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ARDC DataCite DOI Service Home

Explore how to become a DOI minting client, understand how DOI resolution works, learn how to implement a DOI Service client, learn how to use the manual interface, mint or update a DOI manually or via API, transfer DOI ownership, get familiar with how the DOI service can be integrated into your workflow(s), and more.


How the DOI Service Works

Global DOI System Integration DOI Minting and Resolution ARDC Consortium Roles and Responsibilities

How to Register to the DOI Service

Before you can start minting DOIs you need to register with ARDC for a DOI Fabrica account. As part of the registration, ARDC will set you up as a Consortium...

DOI API Service: Developer Guides

You will need to determine which of the DataCite APIs best suit your requirements and technical capabilities. Below is a brief overview of the main APIs that...


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