DOI API Service: Developer Guides
You will need to determine which of the DataCite APIs best suit your requirements and technical capabilities.
Below is a brief overview of the main APIs that DataCite provides to create and manage DOIs. Please refer to the linked relevant DataCite documentation for more detail.
Once you have reviewed the available DataCite APIs, if you are still unsure on which API to use or how to implement it, please contact and we can assist you.
DataCite REST API (Endpoint: )
The DataCite REST API is under active development and underpins much of the functionality in the DataCite Fabrica application.
The API follows the JSONAPI specification and operates solely on a content type of JSON.
The API allows users to mint DOIs with a single request by passing the DOI metadata and URL encoded as a JSON object.
DOI suffixes can either be chosen by the client or auto generated.
API Guide:
Interactive API documentation:
Example implementations:
Test REST API Endpoint:
DataCite MDS API (Endpoint: )
The MDS API is being maintained but is no longer actively developed. DataCite have, however, indicated that they will support this API for the foreseeable future.
The API supports minting DOIs with DataCite metadata encoded as XML, which some clients may find easier to work with.
Besides not being actively developed, one of the drawbacks in using the MDS API, is that in order to mint a DOI, two requests must be made. One to register the metadata, and one to mint the DOI with the associated URL.
DOI suffixes can either be chosen by the client or auto generated.
API Guide:
Interactive API documentation:
Example implementations:
Test MDS API Endpoint: