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Roles and Responsibilities

Consortium Lead (ARDC)

  • The Consortium Lead is responsible to pay the Annual Consortium Fee for each calendar year to DataCite. 
  • Represents all organisations within the Consortium and takes on the membership responsibilities that are dictated by DataCite’s statutes. This includes in particular the annual participation in the General Assembly which approves DataCite’s budget, votes for the DataCite Executive Board and approve DataCite services fee structure. The Consortium Lead is encouraged to stand for the DataCite Executive Board.
  • The Consortium Lead should also be involved in establishing local governance of the consortium, including the consortium purpose, organisation, new member admission. Consortium organisations are not individual members of the DataCite association and are represented by the Consortium Lead.

  • The Consortium Lead may use DataCites’s name and logo to announce the DataCite Consortium and its status as the Consortium Lead. Use of the DataCite logo for any other purpose should be approved by DataCite in writing.

Consortium Organisation

  • Operates and manages repositories within the DataCite services
  • Ensures compliance with the DataCite and ARDC policies, participates in the ARDC and  DataCite community  and governance activities
  • Ensures that DOIs resolve at all times


  • Provide technical infrastructure for minting and managing DOIs minted through the consortium


Support and Administration:

Consortium Lead

  • Responsible for Tier 1 support and administration of the Consortium
    • Act as a single point of contact for all administrative and technical issues arising from the use of the ARDC DOI service
    • Provide a mechanism, procedure, system or infrastructure for all Consortium Organisations to raise or report issues, concerns or enquiries in a orderly manner

Tier 1 Support is the initial support level responsible for basic issues including login, prefix management, DOI registration, metadata requirements, and best practice. 

  • The consortium lead will catalyse DOI adoption among the consortium organisations, making sure that they understand why and how to make use of DataCite’s services. This includes:
    • Act as the first line of contact for the consortium for both DataCite and the consortium organisations for both administrative and technical issues
    • As new organisations join the consortium, facilitate initial on-boarding/registration procedure
    • Provide consortium organisations guidance that are aligned with community standards and best practices
  • DOI Fabrica Administration
    • Understand and share DataCite’s Terms and Conditions with the Consortium organisations
    • Work with DataCite to establish accounts for organisations both in test and production systems
    • Assign prefix in the DOI Fabrica System for each organisation within a consortium
    • Take responsibility for the transfer of DOIs when an organisation leaves the consortium
    • Monitor the consortium and keep track of new repositories being added


DataCite is responsible for Tier 2 support of the Consortium including:

  1. Providing administrative support to the Consortium Lead
  2. Providing training to the Consortium Lead, including:
    1. Technical troubleshooting and escalation
    2. Bugs/fixes
    3. Advanced technical workflows (workflows not documented in DataCite Support,
  3. Providing and maintaining resources for technical implementation, communication and engagement
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