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ARDC Consortium

ARDC's DataCite membership changed from Direct Member to a Consortium member in 2020 when DataCite changed its membership model.  ARDC also acts as the Consortium Lead within the consortium while existing (and new) ARDC DOI Service clients are called Consortium Organisations under this new membership model. 

Below is how the consortium is organised:



A DataCite membership type. A consortium is a group of like-minded organisations that have come together to collectively participate in DataCite’s community and governance activities and use DataCite’s DOI services. Consortia are generally located in a single country or subject-based. Organisations within a consortium can work with one or more repositories.

Consortium Lead

The Consortium Lead represents all organisations within the Consortium and takes on the membership responsibilities that are dictated by DataCite’s statutes. For the full list of the consortium Lead's roles and responsibilities, go to Roles and Responsibilities page.

Consortium Organisations

To become a member of the ARDC consortium, the organisation MUST be a non-profit, publicly funded organisation within Australia. DataCite recommends that Consortium Organisations that expect to register more than 10.000 DOIs annually should become Direct Members. Discuss this option with ARDC.


A repository a service operated by the consortium organisations, where research materials are stored, managed and made accessible. A repository is a single unit and DataCite links the repository to information in re3data, where additional repository metadata are available. 

The repository information provided will be used and displayed throughout DataCite and and ARDC services including search, data usage statistics, Member DOI statistics, and third-party indexing services.

More information:

DataCite Membership 

DataCite Membership FAQs

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