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Deleting Records

The following section outlines the available methods which can be used to delete records from the Manage Records page.

As a data source administrator, you can delete a record in any status: 'Draft', 'Approved' or 'Published'.

Draft and Approved records that have not previously been through to a status of 'Published' do not have a backup. When these records are deleted they are deleted permanently and cannot be restored via the Deleted Records page.

Deleting a single record

  1. Click the 'More' button shown with each record.
  2. A contextual menu will appear.
  3. Click the 'Delete Record' option.

Deleting multiple records

  1. Select the records you would like to delete using one of the methods outlined in the Selecting Records section.
  2. Click the down arrow shown in the top right hand corner of the table, OR click one of the 'More' buttons 
     shown with each selected record.
  3. A contextual menu will appear.
  4. Click the 'Delete Record' option. 

More information:

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