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Flagging Records

The Flag feature on the Manage Records page gives you the ability to mark records with an icon which represents a level of importance or grouping (similar to flags used in email applications). The flag is stored with the record and is therefore remembered over your separate logins. Filtering and selection options then allow you to quickly action all of the records you have flagged.

Flagging records in RDA Registry is currently broken. A fix will be implemented in a future release.

Flagging a single record

  1. Click the 'More' button shown with each record.
  2. A contextual menu will appear.
  3. Click the 'Flag' option. 

Flagging multiple records

  1. Select the records you would like to flag using one of the methods outlined in the Selecting Records section.
  2. Click the 'Down arrow' shown in the top right hand corner of the table, OR click one of the 'More' buttons 
     shown with each selected record.
  3. A contextual menu will appear.
  4. Click the 'Flag' option.

    If one or more of the records in your selection have already been flagged you will need to remove the flag(s) before the 'Flag' option will be displayed in the contextual menu

Removing flag from records

  1. Select the records you would like to unflag using one of the methods outlined in the Selecting Records section.
  2. Click the 'down arrow' shown in the top right hand corner of the table, OR click one of the 'More' buttons 
     shown with each selected record.
  3. A contextual menu will appear.
  4. Then select the 'Remove Flag' option.

More information:

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