Record ID* | The unique and persistent identifier for the record as it appears in the repository/database. This will be used to identify changed/updated records in future updates received | registryObject:key |
Date provided* | Date record was extracted for Clarivate Analytics | System generated |
Repository Name* | Name of repository/database from which record was extracted | registryObject@Group This will be used to associate the record with the correct repository record |
Owner* | Owner of the data repository/database | registryObject@Group |
Author*# | Names of the authors/persons/groups/organization responsible for creating the data - the people who should gain credit from the data citation. Typically one or more name strings, ideally parsed into Lastname, Forename, Suffix. Group Authors can be included | registryObject:collection:citationInfo:citationMetadata:contributor OR relatedObject:Party:name:relationType=IsPrincipalInvestigatorOf OR relatedObject:Party:name:relationType=author OR relatedObject:Party:name:relationType=coInvestigator OR relatedObject:Party:name:relationType=isOwnedBy OR relatedObject:Party:name:relationType=hasCollector OR registryObject@Group |
Author role | One role per author as an attribute of the Author element. Role in creating the data resource, e.g., Editor, Creator, Curator, Repository Manager, Principal Investigator etc. If possible indicate the role to be applied across all authors if not available on individual records | relatedObject:Party:relation (where Type is one of those specified under Author above) |
Researcher ID | ResearcherID (from or ORCID ID if available | registryObject:Party:identifier:type=[any] (where the party is mapped to "Author" in the citation) any party identifier will be transferred |
Author address | One address per author if available, with identification of which author it refers. Ideally provide parsed into Organization, Address, City, ZIP/Postcode, Country. If unable to provide parsed, provide complete address string with elements separated by commas or line breaks | relatedObject:Party:physical address
relatedObject:Party:electronic address |
Title*# | Title of the data resource featured in the record. This could be a data study, data set, or other data resource. Data studies with multiple data sets should ideally be supplied with the data sets as separate records referencing the parent study; if this is not possible, a combined record for the data study can include references to the data sets used in the study. | registryObject:collection:name (Title as displayed in RDA) |
Source URL*# | Full URL/DOI or other web URI which can be used to link to the resource | registryObject:collection:citationInfo:citationMetadata:identifier: type="doi" OR registryObject:collection:citationInfo:citationMetadata:identifier: type="handle" OR registryObject:collection:citationInfo:citationMetadata:identifier: type="uri" OR registryObject:collection:citationInfo:citationMetadata:identifier: type="purl" OR registryObject:collection:identifier:type="doi" OR registryObject:collection:identifier:type="handle" OR registryObject:collection:identifier:type="uri" OR registryObject:collection:identifier:type="purl" OR registryObject:collection:citationInfo:citationMetadata:identifier: type="url" OR registryObject:collection:location:address:electronic:type="url" |
Source*# | Publisher/distributor of the data resource. This may be the repository itself or could be a third party supplier or institution; also include any recognised abbreviation of the publisher if available. | registryObject:collection:citationInfo:citationMetadata:publisher OR registryObject@Group |
Year*# | A publication year for the data is required to enable citation tracking. Provide either the:
Date the data resource with the given title was created by the Author(s) - not the date provided to Clarivate Analytics
Date the data resource with the given title was deposited in the online collection | registryObject:collection:citationInfo:citationMetadata:date:type= "publication date" OR registryObject:collection:citationInfo:citationMetadata:date: type="issued" OR registryObject:collection:citationInfo:citationMetadata:date:type= ʺcreatedʺ OR registryObject:collection:dates:type=ʺissuedʺ OR registryObject:collection:dates:type=ʺavailableʺ OR registryObject:collection:dates:type=ʺcreatedʺ OR registryObject:Collection@dateModified OR registryObject:Collection@dateAccessioned OR YYYY the record was ingested into RDA |
Abstract* | Description of the digital resource | registryObject:collection:description:type="full" AND/OR registryObject:collection:description:type="brief" Where present, the types below will also be transformed registryObject:collection:description:type="SignificanceStatement" registryObject:collection:description:type="Notes" registryObject:collection:description:type="Lineage" |
Parent record reference | ID of parent record (E.g. if dataset is related to a study etc. ) and the parent/child are provided as a separate records | registryObject:relatedObject:key:relationType=isPartOf |
Version | Version identifier for the version of the data | registryObject:collection:citationInfo:citationMetadata:version |
Rights/ Licensing | Any rights restriction or licensing statements for the data (eg CC) | registryObject:collection:rights:type=rightStatement AND registryObject:collection:rights:type=accessRights AND registryObject:collection:rights:type=licence |
Language | Language of the data set in the repository | Default to English |
Author keywords | Any author keywords provided by the data creator to describe the data | registryObject:collection:subject |
Geospatial data | Geographical location of the study, including country, or geospatial coordinate data | registryObject:coverage:spatial |
Time | Time period relating to the data | registryObject:coverage:temporal |
Methodology | Method employed in obtaining the data | registryObject:collection:relatedInfo:type="reuseInformation" |
Named person | Personal or organisational names relating to the subject of the data | registryObject:collection:subject:type="AU-ANL:PEAU" AND registryObject:collection:subject:type="orcid" |
Grant No. | Grant number(s) | registryObject:activity:identifier[@type='arc' or 'nhmrc'] (where relation Type =isOutputOf) |
Funding organisation | Funding organisation(s) | registryObject:activity:party:title (where relation Type =isFundedBy AND where activity relation Type=isOutputOf) |
Citations | Data relating to the bibliographic citations and references associated with the data resource. If possible bibliographic fields should be sent separately, but a concatenated reference is also acceptable. PubMedID can be provided as a substitute for a full citation | registryObject:collection:relatedInfo:type="publication" |