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R15 Announcements / News

15 April 2015

ANDS Software Release 15 has been successfully completed and the following Online Services are now available:

  • Research Data Australia
  • ANDS Collections Registry
  • Cite My Data (DOI) service
  • Identify My Data (PIDS) service
  • Vocabulary Catalogue

NOTE: Some background tasks are still running and users may experience slower than normal response times.

Important Links:

  • ANDS Software - Release 15 page for more information about this release
  • Online Services News page for the list of changes, impact and requirements
  • Research Data Australia (RDA) short videos (also accessible any time by using the orange ‘Help' button displayed in the bottom right hand corner of every RDA page) :
    • Overview - Introduction to RDA
    • Search - How to search in RDA
    • MyRDA - Personalise your search experience in MyRDA
  • Updated Contributor Page help document
  • RIF-CS controlled vocabulary containing new terms supporting custom search for grants and projects.

REMINDER: Join us for a Webinar on Monday, 20th April 2015. Space is limited.

** Start time: 12:30pm = ACT, NSW, VIC, TAS, QLD | 12:00pm = NT, SA | 10:30am = WA

For any comments or questions, please email Thank you.


13 April 2015

ANDS Software Release 15 is scheduled for implementation on Wednesday, 15th April 2015.  Below is the schedule of activities for your information and reference: 

Tuesday, 14th April - 8:00am (AEST) onwards:

  • Release 15 soft release to Demonstration (Demo) environment
  • The following services will be intermittently unavailable:
    • Research Data Australia Demo
    • ANDS Demo Registry
    • Identify My Data test service

Wednesday, 15th April - 8:00am-12:00pm (AEST):

  • Release 15 Production release
  • The following services will be unavailable:
    • ANDS Production Registry
    • Research Data Australia
    • Cite My Data (DOI) service
    • Identify My Data (PIDS) service

REMINDER: Join us for a webinar on Monday, 20th April 2015.   Space is limited.

Webinar Title: Release 15 - New and improved Research Data Australia
Registration: Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Date/Time: 20th April 2015, 12:30-1:30pm AEST**.
** Start time: 12:30pm = ACT, NSW, VIC, TAS, QLD | 12:00pm = NT, SA | 10:30am = WA

Please schedule your activities accordingly. Visit Online Services News page on the ANDS website the the list of all changes. For any comments or questions, please email Thank you.


06 March 2015

Please find below the summary of all Release 15 changes with an overview of who, what and how the changes will impact our users. Release 15 is scheduled for implementation in April 2015 and changes are focused on the new-look Research Data Australia (RDA). Please note that these are the planned features, subject to timetabling changes.

Watch this space for more exciting release announcements! For any questions or feedback, please email Thank you.

RDA General Changes

New data centric focus and flow for the site.

  • Changes:
    • The Research Data Australia basic search will now only return data collections.
    • Navigation within the site will attempt to guide users towards discovering data (e.g. Related connections on Collection view pages will guide users to data connected to related objects rather than directing the user to the related object's landing page).
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users, Data Source Administrators
  • Impact: (low)
    • Users will need to deliberately enable searching of other record types in Research Data Australia
    • Users will need to deliberately navigate to a view page for Services, Activities and Parties from a Collection view page
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20), Online Services News, Release 15 marketing page, RDA quick tour video
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.  A short video presentation will be made available to users of the new RDA.

A separate but integrated custom search interface for research grants and projects.

  • Change: A new Grants and Projects finding aid will be added to Research Data Australia with a custom search interface. The default search within Research Data Australia will only return data collections.
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users, Data Source Administrators, ANDS Registry Administrators
  • Impact: (low)
    • Easier discovery of research grants and projects
    • Users will need to deliberately enable searching of other record types in Research Data Australia
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20), Online Services News, Release 15 marketing page, RDA quick tour video
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users. Existing research grants activity records will have to be updated to enable searching and filtering of search results.


  • Change: A MyRDA feature has been added to Research Data Australia which allows logged in users to save records and searches to their account.
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users
  • Impact: (low)
    • MyRDA users will be able to quickly and easily revisit searches and records across Research Data Australia sessions.
    • Users can log in with AAF or supported social media providers (Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn).
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20), Online Services News, Release 15 marketing page, MyRDA quick tour video
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users

Record View Page

New prominent access section for data collections.

  • Change: A new view page template will be implemented with a cleaner layout that will allow users to quickly evaluate and access data.
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users, Data Source Administrators
  • Impact: (low-medium)
    • Easier to find data access links.
    • Easier to quickly identify the data contributor and the people involved with the data.
    • Viewed, accessed and cited-by counts will also appear prominently on the page.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20), Online Services News, Release 15 marketing page
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users

Improved Suggested Datasets

  • Change: The ANDS Suggested links section will be redeveloped with a new algorithm.
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users
  • Impact: (low)
    • Users who have discovered data of interest are alerted to similar data contained within Research Data Australia.
    • Suggested datasets are listed or ranked based on the new algorithm and will only display the first five similar datasets.
    • Suggested datasets from DataCite will be removed from Research Data Australia for the time being.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20), Online Services News, Release 15 marketing page
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users

Improved Search

  • Change: The Research Data Australia search has had a complete refresh with a new Solr schema, new search filters, refined search term matching and in context highlighting.
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users
  • Impact: (low)
    • To improve search accuracy, search terms separated by a space are now treated by default as being separated by the Boolean operator 'AND'.
    • Search filters have been moved from the right side of the search results page to the left.
    • Users have the ability to select multiple filters in a category (e.g. multiple subjects or providers).
    • In context highlighting enables users to quickly gauge how their search term(s) have been matched against a record.
    • A new filter allows users to quickly narrow down their search to open access data.
    • Users can select and export bibliographic references directly from search results.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20), Online Services News, Release 15 marketing page, RDA Search quick tour video
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users

Improved Advanced Search

  • Change: The Research Data Australia advanced search is being completely refreshed with a new all-in-one interface which allows users to construct complex Boolean text queries and apply filters in the same workflow.
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users
  • Impact: (low)
    • Users will have the ability to construct more complex queries from any page within Research Data Australia.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20), Online Services News, Release 15 marketing page, RDA Search quick tour video

Contributor Pages

Contributor page for all groups

  • Change: Contributor pages will be automatically generated for every data contributor in Research Data Australia.
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users, Data Source Administrators, Outreach Officers, ANDS Services
  • Impact: (medium)
    • Publishing a Contributor page will no longer be an opt-in feature.
    • A basic contributor page will be available for every data contributor and automatically linked to all their records.
    • Data Source Administrators are still able to embellish the basic contributor pages if desired. Approval from a senior representative of the organisation is still required for the edited/embellished Contributor Page.
    • General template for contributor pages has been unchanged.
    • Editing of the page will now be through the new Contributor Page CMS in RDA.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20), Online Services News, Release 15 marketing page, Contributor Page help document
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

New Contributor Page CMS implemented in RDA

  • Change: As explained above, Contributor pages will be automatically generated for every data contributor in Research Data Australia. To manage these records a Contributor Page CMS has been implemented in Research Data Australia.
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users, Data Source Administrators, Outreach Officers, ANDS Services
  • Impact: (medium)
    • Contributor pages are now generated and managed in RDA and no longer in the Registry Data Source Account Settings.
    • ANDS Registry Accounts are carried across into Research Data Australia. Administrators will be able to log into RDA using their normal login details and access the Contributor Page CMS.
    • Contributor pages are no longer based on a RIF-CS Party record. Any existing embellished Contributor pages will need to be migrated to the new Contributor Page CMS.
    • ANDS will be attempting to obtain and display a logo for every contributor (where one exists).
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20), Online Services News, Release 15 marketing page, Contributor Page help document
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

Publication DOI lookup and information retrieval from CrossRef and DataCite.

  • Change: Retrieval of information from CrossRef or DataCite for publications that have been described in a data collection record using the relatedInfo element and containing a DOI.
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users
  • Impact: (low)
    • Where possible, Research Data Australia users will be provided with more information about a publication, a link to the description of the publication, and be alerted to any other data collections in Research Data Australia linked to the publication.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20), Online Services News, Release 15 marketing page
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users


28 January 2015

Hi all,

Release 15 of ANDS Online Services is scheduled for implementation at the end of March.  This release  implements changes to Research Data Australia's overall architecture.   Informed by targeted interviews with researchers, the new Research Data Australia focuses on researchers' points of view.  The new RDA  provides an easier and more intuitive way for data seekers to search, browse, refine and assess the results - and  ultimately get the most appropriate data for their research needs.  

Some of the key enhancements are:

  • My RDA, where a registered user can save searches and bookmark records of interest
  • Improved workflow to search, refine, appraise and get data
  • Enhanced geospatial (map) searches and search results
  • New focus on open data
  • More advanced search including Boolean
  • Specialised support for grants 

This release will also include some minor bug fixes to other ANDS services. Watch out for more announcements soon!

To learn more or ask questions, please email

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