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R14 Announcements/News

03 December 2014

ANDS Software Release 14 has been successfully completed and the following Online Services are now available:

  • Research Data Australia
  • Cite My Data (DOI) service
  • Identify My Data (PIDS) service

NOTE: Some background tasks are still running and users may experience slower than normal response times.

Important Links:

REMINDER: Join us for a Webinar on Wednesday, 10th December 2014. Space is limited.

Webinar Title : Release 14 - A closer look
Registration : Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Date / Time : 10th December 2014, 12:30-1:30pm AEDT**.
** Start time: 12:30pm = ACT, NSW, VIC, TAS | 11:00am = NT | 12:00pm = SA | 11.30am = QLD | 9:30am = WA

For comments or questions, please email Thank you.



27 November 2014

ANDS Software Release 14 is scheduled for implementation on Wednesday, 3rd December 2014. Below is the schedule of activities for your information and reference:

Tuesday, 2nd December - 8:00am (AEDT) onwards:

  • Release 14 soft release to Demonstration (Demo) environment
  • The following services will be unavailable:
    • Research Data Australia Demo
    • ANDS Demo Registry
    • Identify My Data test service

Wednesday, 3rd December - 8:00am-12:00pm (AEDT):

  • Release 14 Production release
  • The following services will be unavailbale:
    • ANDS Production Registry
    • Research Data Australia
    • Cite My Data (DOI) service
    • Identify My Data (PIDS) service

REMINDER: Join us for a Webinar on Wednesday, 10th December 2014. Space is limited.

Webinar Title : Release 14 - A closer look
Registration : Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Date / Time : 10th December 2014, 12:30-1:30pm AEDT**.
** Start time: 12:30pm = ACT, NSW, VIC, TAS | 11:00am = NT | 12:00pm = SA | 11.30am = QLD | 9:30am = WA

Please schedule your activities accordingly. Visit RIF-CS Schema Change News page for details on RIF-CS changes.

For comments or questions, please email Thank you.


10 November 2014

Hi all,

Please find below the summary of all Release 14 changes with an overview of who, what and how the changes will impact our users. Release 14 is scheduled for implementation in December.

Please note that these are the planned features, subject to timetabling changes. For any question or feedback, please email Thank you.

Research Data Australia:

Enhancement to Research Data Australia display to support RIF-CS 1.6

  • Change: Enhancements will be made to the 'Access' section of the record view page in Research Data Australia (RDA) to display the accessibility of data (direct download, open online, etc) and available data services.
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users
  • Impact: Research Data Australia users will be able to quickly identify when data is directly downloadable, openly available online via a landing page, or accessible online via a service/tool.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide, Services News, Release Marketing Page
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

Re-implementaion of RDA broken link checking functionality

  • Change: Re-implementing the functionality to identify broken links in Research Data Australia
  • Who is affected: Outreach Officers, Data Source Administrators, ANDS Service Desk
  • Impact: A regular biannual report of broken links will be generated per Data Source and the copy of the report will be automatically emailed to the ANDS Service Desk. Outreach Officers and the organisation's Data Source Administrators (DSAs) are expected to review the report and update the identified broken links as necessary.
  • Documentation affected/needed: none
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

ANDS Registry

Implementation of AAF Rapid Connect for the ANDS Registry

  • Change: AAF Rapid Connect will become the main method of authentication with the ANDS Registry removing the need for ANDS to install and manage a Shibboleth instance.
  • Who is affected: ANDS Collections Registry users
  • Impact: The change is transparent to users. 
  • Documentation affected/needed: ANDS Registry login page, Services News, Release Marketing Page
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

Enhancement to the Data Source Account's Harvester Settings view to automatically disable or grey-out options that are not applicable to selected harvest method

  • Change: Enhancements to the Data Source Account's Harvester Settings page to hide options that are not applicable to selected harvest method
  • Who is affected: Data Source Administrators
  • Impact: Users will be prevented from configuration incompatible harvester settings.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide, Data Source Settings Help, Services News, Release Marketing Page
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

Optimisation of Harvester Crosswalk configuration process

  • Change: Crosswalk upload functionality will be added to the Harvester Settings tab of the Data Source Settings page.
  • Who is affected: Data Source Administrators
  • Impact: Data Source Administrators will be able to upload and change harvester crosswalks without the need to lodge a request with the Services team.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide, Data Source Settings Help, Services News, Release Marketing Page
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

Cite My Data

Implementation of manual DOI minting functionality 

  • Change: Implementation of manual DOI minting functionality
  • Who is affected: Cite My Data users
  • Impact: Providers who do not have the technical capability or the resources to implement a machine to machine DOI minting service will now be able to manually mint a DOI for their dataset, its associated workflows or software.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide, CMD Technical Documentation, Services News, Release Marketing Page
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

RIF-CS Schema

Addition of 'gcmd' type to the subject element 

  • Change: Addition of 'gcmd' vocabulary type to the subject element
  • Who is affected: Data Source Administrators
  • Impact: Data providers will have the option to use Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) as a subject type when describing a collection. There will be no impact on those organisations that choose not to use the new subject type.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide, RIF-CS Controlled Vocabulary, RIF-CS pages on the ANDS website
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

Addition of 'PubMedID' identifier type to the relatedInfo element 

  • Change: Addition of 'PubMedID' vocabulary term to the relatedInfo identifier type
  • Who is affected: Data Source Administrators
  • Impact: Data providers will have the option of providing a PubMedID identifier when describing publications using the relatedInfo element. There will be no impact on those organisations that choose not to use the new identifier type.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide, RIF-CS Controlled Vocabulary, RIF-CS pages on the ANDS website
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

RIF-CS implementation to support services over data

  • Changes:
    • addition of new location/electronic attribute 'target' attribute to allow providers to specify a landing page and/or a download URL
    • addition of new location/electronic sub elements 'title', 'notes', 'mediaType' and 'byteSize' to allow providers to describe a download target 
    • addition of new vocabulary types for the accessRights element to enable users to assess the 'openness' of the data collections described using RIF-CS
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users, Data Source Administrators
  • Impact: The new location element attribute and the accessRights vocabulary terms are both optional. These changes will allow Research Data Australia users to visually identify when a dataset is available online, or when a service or tool is available to access the data. Providers, on the other hand, will be able to describe the type of access to their research data using the new vocabulary terms, enabling users to search for open access datasets across Research Data Australia with ease and in efficient manner. 
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide, RIF-CS Controlled Vocabulary, RIF-CS pages on the ANDS website
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.


Implementation of a functionality that allows DSAs to exclude specific records from their Thomson Reuters DCI feed

  • Change: Exclude records from the ANDS OAI-PMH Data Citation Index (DCI) that have a specific secret tag.
  • Who is affected: Data Source Administrators who expose records to the Data Citation Index.
  • Impact: Data Source Administrators administrators exposing their records to the Data Citation Index will be able to exclude specific records by applying a secret tag.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide, Tagging Help, DCI documentation
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

Minor changes or bug fixes

  • Fix an issue where the Contributor page does not load if both draft and published record exist
  • Fix an issue where electronic address arguments do not save when manually adding records 
  • Update of RIF-CS Java API to support RIF-CS v1.6

Thank you for your support.


24 October 2014

The next major ANDS Online Services release (R14) is scheduled for implementation in December.  This release includes a number of enhancement to existing functionalities as well a some bug fixes reported through the Service Desk.

Below is the list of planned features, subject to timetabling changes.

Research Data Australia:

  • Enhancement to Research Data Australia display to support RIF-CS 1.6 
  • Re-implementaion of RDA broken link checking functionality 
ANDS Registry
  • Implementation of AAF Rapid Connect for the ANDS Registry 
  • Enhancement to the Data Source Account's Harvester Settings view to automatically disable or grey-out options that are not applicable to selected harvest method 
  • Optimisation of  Harvester Crosswalk configuration process


Cite My Data
  • Implementation of manual DOI minting functionality 
  • Enhancement to the Cite My Data architecture and design 
RIF-CS Schema
  • Addition of 'gcmd' type for the subject element
  • Addition of 'PubMedID' vocabulary term for the relatedInfo identifier type 
  • RIF-CS implementation to support services over data:
    • addition of new location element @target attribute to allow providers to specify a  landing page and a download URL
    • addition of new vocabulary types for the accessRights element to enable users to assess the 'openness' of the data collections described using RIF-CS
  • Implementation of a functionality that allows DSAs to exclude specific records from their Thomson Reuters DCI feed 
Minor changes or bug fixes


  • Fix an issue where the Contributor page does not load if both draft and published record exist
  • Fix an issue where electronic address arguments do not save when manually adding records 
  • Update of RIF-CS Java API to support RIF-CS v1.6
More information about the release will be sent out soon.  For any comments or feedback, please email Thank you.


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