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ANDS Software - Release 14

ANDS Online Services Release 14 gives Research Data Australia and ANDS Collections Registry users more options and control.

Research Data Australia

See at a glance how to access the data
Research Data Australia users will now be able to quickly identify when data is directly downloadable, openly available online via a landing page, or accessible online via a service/tool. This enhancement to Research Data Australia has been enabled through the implementation of a new version of RIF-CS (v1.6).

ANDS Collections Registry

Harvester settings
Data Source Administrators will be able to upload and change harvester crosswalks from the Harvester Settings tab of the Data Source Settings page without the need to lodge a request with the ANDS Services team. In addition, options that do not apply to the selected harvest method are hidden from view in the Harvester Settings tab.  Learn more...

Manual DOI minting
Providers who do not have the technical capability or the resources to implement a machine-to-machine DOI minting service will now be able to manually mint a DOI for their dataset, its associated workflows or software. Learn more...

Registry authentication
AAF Rapid Connect will become the main method of authentication with the ANDS Registry removing the need for ANDS to install and manage a Shibboleth instance. There will be no impact on Registry users.

Thomson Reuters DCI feed settings
Data Source Administrators will be able to exclude specific records from their Thomson Reuters DCI feed by applying a special tag.  Learn more...

RIF-CS metadata schema changes

The following changes to the RIF-CS schema are included in this release:

  • Addition of 'gcmd' type to the subject element
  • Addition of 'PubMedID' identifier type to the relatedInfo element
  • Addition of new location/electronic attribute '@target' to allow providers to specify a landing page and/or a download URL
  • Addition of new location/electronic sub elements 'title', 'notes', 'mediaType' and 'byteSize' to allow providers to describe a download target
  • Addition of new vocabulary types for the accessRights element to enable users to assess the 'openness' of the data collections described using RIF-CS

Learn more...

Minor changes and bug fixes

The following minor change to Research Data Australia is also included in this release:

  • Broken link checker functionality restored with biannual reports again being generated and provided to Data Source Administrators for action

And for ANDS Collections Registry:

  • Issue fixed where electronic address arguments do not save when manually adding records
  • RIF-CS Java API updated to support RIF-CS v1.6



Release 14 - a closer look webinar recording available on YouTube


Guide to changes in ANDS Online Services Release 14


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