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ANDS Software - Release 12

ANDS Online Services Release 12 gives Research Data Australia and the ANDS Collections Registry more user-friendly functionality.

Research Data Australia

Displaying multiple records which describe the same object

Improved identification and navigation of duplicated records will allow Research Data Australia users to more easily make connections between related records.  Records which share the same identifier value will be visually linked in Research Data Australia search results. A navigation aid which assists users in browsing linked records will also be displayed on the view page of each linked record. 

Exploring multiple connections

Previously, viewing a large number of connected records in the right-hand pane of a record in Research Data Australia was a tedious experience of scrolling and tabbing through multiple pages in a pop-up window.  Now, the Connection Explorer provides a more user-friendly way to view, filter and navigate through long lists of connections.

Tagging for enhanced discovery

Users of Research Data Australia can annotate or tag a record with a word or phrase to assist discovery of these records by themselves and others. Clicking on these added tags will allow you to discover related records. You can add tags to a record by logging into Research Data Australia using your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Google profile.

Identifying collections belonging to a Theme

See at a glance if the record you are viewing is part of a broader theme in Research Data Australia and click on the Theme Badge to be taken straight to the Theme page.

Tweaking the search smarts

Some fine tuning of the underlying search algorithm in Research Data Australia has improved search result accuracy leading to more predictable results. 


ANDS Online Services

Bulk Tagging Tool for records

Data Source Administrators will now have access to the Bulk Tagging Tool which allows them to easily add (and delete) tags to multiple records in their data source(s). A tag is a word or phrase which is attached to one or more records to assist in grouping and discovery. Tags are stored separately from a record's RIF-CS to ensure they are persistent across harvests/imports. A searching and filtering tool is provided to help Data Source Administrators to apply tags to appropriate groups of records. Learn more.


Cite My Data broken links report

Cite My Data users will now receive a quarterly report identifying any broken links associated with their DOIs. This report can also be run on demand from the DOI Query Tool: My Identifiers > Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) > Check DOI Links in ANDS Online Services.  Learn more.


Crosswalk for ARC grant activities

With the implementation of the ARC crosswalk, ANDS will be able to update ARC grant information in Research Data Australia regularly. This means that Data Source Administrators can link their records to more recent grant information and Research Data Australia users can discover ARC grants and the associated research output.

Minor changes and bug fixes

The following minor changes to Research Data Australia are also included in this release:

  • Issue fixed with spatial map being loaded with no data from the home page 
  • Search support provided for subjects with special characters 
  • Contributor page HTML <title> and <meta> tags for Contributor pages updated
  • A level of static caching added to the view pages

And for ANDS Online Services:

  •  Issue with pagination in Bulk Tagging tool fixed
  • ORCID Import Tool logging implemented




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