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R12 Announcements/News


ANDS Software  Release 12 implementation has been successfully completed and the following Online Services are now available: 

  • ANDS Production Registry
  • Research Data Australia
  • Identify My Data
  • Cite My Data

Release 12 includes:

  • Research Data Australia (RDA) record tagging/annotation
  • Display of multiple records which describe the same object
  • Improvement to RDA search ranking algorithm
  • Theme badges for records which have been included in a Theme page
  • Crosswalk for ARC grants
  • Implementation of Cite My Data broken link reporting tool
  • a few minor changes or bug fixes

Visit Online Services News page for the complete list and the ANDS Software - Release 12 Page on the ANDS Website for more information.
To learn more about this release, join us for a Webinar on April 8, 2014.   Space is limited.

Webinar Title : Release 12 - updates to Research Data Australia and the ANDS Registry
Registration : Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Date / Time : Tuesday, 8th April 2014, 1pm – 2pm AEST  
** Start time: 1pm=ACT, NSW, VIC, TAS, QLD     12.30pm=SA,  NT 11am=WA

For any comment or issue, please email Thank you all for your cooperation.



ANDS Software Release 12 is scheduled for implementation on Monday, 31 March 2014. Below is the schedule of activities for your information and reference: 

Friday, 28th March - 8:00am (AEDT) onwards:

  • Release 12 soft release to Demonstration (Demo) environment
  • The following services will be unavailable:
    • Research Data Australia Demo
    • ANDS Demo Registry
    • Identify My Data test service

Sunday, 30th March - 4:00pm (AEDT)onwards:  

  • Release 12 implementation preparation
  • ANDS Production Registry will be in READ-ONLY mode (no new harvests or record edits premitted)
  • Research Data Australia available as usual

Monday, 31st March - 8:00am-11:00am (AEDT):

  • Release 12 Production Release
  • The following services will be intermittently unavailable during software release:
    • ANDS Production Registry
    • Research Data Australia
    • Cite My Data (DOI) service
    • Identify My Data (PIDS) service

Reminder : Join us for a Webinar on April 8, 2014.   Space is limited.

Webinar Title : Release 12 - updates to Research Data Australia and the ANDS Registry
Registration : Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Date / Time : Tuesday, 8th April 2014, 1pm – 2pm AEST  

** Start time: 1pm=ACT, NSW, VIC, TAS, QLD     12.30pm=SA,  NT 11am=WA

Please schedule your activities accordingly.  For any comment or question, please email Thank you.


26 February 2014

Please find below the summary of all Release 12 changes with an overview of who, what and how  the changes will impact our users.  Release 12 is scheduled for implementation end of March. Please note that these are the planned features, subject to timetabling changes.  

Join us for a Webinar on April 8, 2014.   Space is limited.

Webinar Title : Release 12 - updates to Research Data Australia and the ANDS Registry
Registration : Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Date / Time : Tuesday, 8th April 2014, 1pm – 2pm AEST   

** Start time: 1pm=ACT, NSW, VIC, TAS, QLD     12.30pm=SA,  NT 11am=WA

Research Data Australia:

RDA Tagging/Annotation

  • Change: Allow authenticated Research Data Australia users to annotate records with tags
  • Who is affected: Data Source Admins, ANDS Online Services Admins, ANDS Client Liaison Officers, Research Data Australia users
  • Impact: RDA users who have authenticated with a supported authentication provider will have the ability to annotate Research Data Australia records with subject tags. These tags will be public and will be displayed along with a record’s metadata in Research Data Australia. ANDS Online Services Admins will need to be across the tagging functionality to moderate the use of public tags. Data Source Admins should also be comfortable with the tagging functionality if they intendd to moderate public tags attached to their records.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Tagging help/guide on the Support page on the web
  • Requirements: This functionality will be tested in the User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Release 12 walkthrough webinar will be scheduled a week after the release.  Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

Colocation of duplicated party records

  • Change: Colocation of Research Data Australia records describing the same party
  • Who is affected: Data Source Administrators, ANDS Client Liaison Officers, Research Data Australia users
  • Impact: Party records which share the same identifier value will be colocated in a single search result and record view in Research Data Australia. Colocation of duplicated records will provide Research Data Australia users with a more complete view of a researcher’s background, disciplines and connections.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide
  • Requirements: This functionality will be tested in the User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Release 12 walkthrough webinar will be scheduled a week after the release. Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

Improve RDA search ranking algorithm

  • Change: Enhancements to the Research Data Australia Solr schema and search results weightings
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users, Web Services users
  • Impact: Search result accuracy will be improved and results should more predictable.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Understanding RDA Search Result page on RDA (Go to RDA > Help button> Search tab > Understanding Your Search Results link)
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

CAPTCHA for RDA's 'Contact Us'

  • Change: Addition of a CAPTCHA to the Research Data Australia ‘Contact Us’ form to prevent automated spam emails clogging the ANDS Services Dashboard
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users, ANDS Online Services Admins
  • Impact: RDA users will be required to answer a CAPTCHA before being able to contact ANDS. ANDS Services will spend less time filtering phoney Jira tickets.
  • Documentation affected/needed: None
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

Theme Badges

  • Change: Addition of a Theme Badge to records in Research Data Australia which have been included in a Theme page
  • Who is affected: Research Data Australia users
  • Impact: Records which have been included in a Theme page will be labelled with a small badge representative of the Theme. The badge will provide a quick link to the Theme page.
  • Documentation affected/needed: None
  • Requirements:  Release 12 walkthrough webinar will be scheduled a week after the release. Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

ANDS Registry

Crosswalk for ARC Grant Activities

  • Change: Implementation of a crosswalk and ingest process for Australian Research Council grant activities
  • Who is affected: Data Source Administrators, Research Data Australia users
  • Impact: With the implementation of the ARC crosswalk, ANDS will be able to update ARC grant information in Research Data Australia regularly. This means that Data Source Administrators can link their records to more recent grant information and RDA users can discover ARC grants and the associated research output.
  • Documentation affected/needed: None
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners and general users.

Cite My Data Broken Link Report

  • Change: Implementation of a broken links report for the Cite My Data service.
  • Who is affected: Cite My Data Users, ANDS Online Services Admins
  • Impact: On a quarterly basis ANDS will run a report across all Cite My Data accounts to identify any broken links associated with DOIs.  Where broken links are discovered within a Cite My Data account, a Jira issue will be raised with the ANDS Services team and the details of the report published to the DOI Query Tool - Activity Log for the Cite My Data account. Upon receipt of the Jira issue the ANDS Services team will contact the Cite My Data account manager to alert them to the broken link issues. Cite My Data users will be expected to amend broken link issues in a timely manner.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Cite My Data Technical Description, How to use the DOI Query Tool page on the web
  • Requirements: Release 12 walkthrough webinar will be scheduled after the release. Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, partners, Cite My Data account holders and general users.

Minor changes/bug fixes:

  • Fix bug with spatial map being loaded with no data from the RDA Home page
  • Provide RDA search support for subjects with special characters
  • Update Contributor page HTML <title> and <meta> tags for Contributor pages in RDA
  • Fix bug with pagination in Bulk Tagging tool 
  • Addition of a level of static caching to the RDA view pages
  • Addition of a guide on implementing the ORCID widget
  • Implementation of ORCID Import Tool logging
  • Addition of an automated check which disables the Australian Gazetteer service when it is unavailable 


14 February 2014

Below is the summary of changes for Release 12 which will be available at the end of March 2014. Please note that these are the planned features, subject to timetabling changes.

An impact and requirements email will also be sent out soon and there will be a Release 12 webinar a week after the release, so watch out for more announcements.

Any questions or feedback, please email

Research Data Australia:

  • Research Data Australia (RDA) record tagging and annotation
  • Addition of a Theme Badge to records in RDA which have been included in a Theme page
  • Co-location of RDA records describing the same party
  • Improved RDA search ranking algorithm 
  • CAPTCHA for RDA's 'Contact Us.

ANDS Registry:

  • Crosswalk for ARC grant activities
  • Implementation of a broken links report for the Cite My Data service.

Minor changes/bug fixes:

  • Improvements to the ANDS Suggested Links DataCite query in RDA
  • Fix bug with spatial map being loaded with no data from the RDA Home page
  • Provide RDA search support for subjects with special characters
  • Update Contributor page HTML <title> and <meta> tags for Contributor pages in RDA
  • Fix bug with pagination in Bulk Tagging tool
  • Addition of a level of static caching to the RDA view pages
  • Addition of a guide on implementing the ORCID widget
  • Implementation of ORCID Import Tool logging
  • Addition of an automated check which disables the Australian Gazetteer service when it is unavailable. 
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