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User Authentication and Access

I'm trying to access ARDC Online Services and my userid/password won't work. What's wrong?

There could be various reasons why you cannot access ARDC Online Services (RDA Registry, DOI, Handle) such as:

You are trying to login using local credentials

If you have previously been using the ARDC Demo environment during a training course or the Test environment for a UAT, you will have been given a built-in account. Your built-in credential is not available to users in the PRODUCTION environment. When you are in the 'AAF Rapid Connect'    tab of the RDA Registry login screen, you are expected to login using your AAF account.

Please refer to How to login to Online Services for detailed instructions.

You do not have a valid username and password from the AAF

Access to these ARDC online services is via a username and password that are valid within the Australian Access Federation (AAF). If you are unfamiliar with the AAF there is an excellent video animation explaining how this works at

Please refer to How to obtain an AAF account for more information or send a mail to

I have been nominated as my institution's Data Source Administrator (DSA) but my institution is not a member of AAF. How can I access ARDC Online Services?

ARDC Partner organisations that are not members of AAF have the option to obtain an ARDC-sponsored AAF Virtual Home Organisation (VHO) account.

Please email find out if you are eligible or to learn how.

I use my AAF account to login as a Data Source Administrator to ARDC Online Services. I have forgotten my password. Can you reset it?

ARDC does not have access to reset passwords belonging to your organisation's IdP. You will need to contact your IT Helpdesk or Support Desk to ask for a password reset.

If you have been given an ARDC-sponsored Virtual Home Organisation (VHO) account,  go to AAF's AAF Virtual Home - My Account page. There are options for you to recover your lost password or even your username.

For more information please send a mail to

Could my colleague use my account while I am on leave?

No. We strongly discourage sharing of login credentials especially when using your Australian Access Federation (AAF) account. You surely do not want your colleague have access to all your other personal and confidential systems!

It is important to note that an account should only be used by the individual who owns it.

I am a registered Data Source Administrator for my institution but when I logged in, the system says I don't have any data source account. What could have happened to my access?

The only possible reason, other than a bug in our system, where access to a data source could have been removed is when there is a change in your AAF account or credentials. Please let ARDC know if you could not access your data sources and we will help sort out the issue with your account.

As a proactive measure, the ARDC system notifies ARDC services when a new, unregistered or non-identical (e.g different name, new identifier) user has logged on to the RDA Registry. This triggers the validation of account holder's authority to access the system and ARDC Services edits the  account based on an existing access or a new request (for a new user).

If you still have issues, please contact

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