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RIF-CS 1.6.4 Changes (2021)

The ARDC Change Management team has approved the implementation of RIF-CS 1.6.4.  

Points to note

  1. No structural changes to the schema will be introduced with v1.6.4. Changes affect vocabulary terms only. All changes are optional. There are no backwards compatibility issues.
  2. ARDC Online Services systems and support materials will be updated to support the new version of the schema

Changes from 1.6.3 to 1.6.4

Addition of isVersionOf/hasVersion as relation type

  • hasVersion: versioned by the related collection
  • isVersionOf: is a version of the related collection

Components affected: 

  • relatedInfo/relation/@type

Driver: The addition of isVersionOf/has Version as relation type will allow publishers to describe the relationship to or availability of the different versions of the dataset by providing either:

  • the DOI for the version being related/linked to (identifier with type = doi) where the DOI resolves to it’s landing page in the organisation's repository
  • the URL of the landing page or the actual version of the dataset (identifier type=url)

Usage: Optional. Provide the relevant relation type when describing or linking to research data to a version of the dataset in the organisation's repository.  RDA contributors who use isVersionOf/hasVersion as relationship will be guided in how these are included in RIF-CS  (see Content Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20)).

Addition of CC0 as licence type in the license element

Components affected: 

  • rights/licence/@type

Driver:  Adding CC0 as a licence type, although not a  licence per se, allows  publishers to  specify that the resource imposes no obligations, prohibitions or permissions nor a requirement to include an explicit attribution. 

Usage: Optional. Provide the relevant identifier type when describing or linking to research data, activity, people or organisation within RDA. RDA contributors who use CC0 as a licence type will be guided in how these are included in RIF-CS  (see Content Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20)).

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