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Release 24 (5 July 2017)

Release 24 of ANDS Online Services is scheduled for implementation on  5 July 2017 from 8:00am to 12pm. During the implementation, the following services will be unavailable:   

  • Research Data Australia (RDA)
  • RDA Registry

  • ANDS DOI Service

  • Research Vocabularies Australia (RVA)

  • ANDS Handle Service

Research Data Australia (RDA)

  • Fix the issue with the display of some special characters in RDA

  • Update subject resolution in RDA such that only language codes with correct correct types (ISO 639) are resolved to their string names

  • Implement a fix to prevent duplicate records from displaying as additional related objects in an Activity view page

  • ARC and NHMRC grants refresh

RDA Registry  

  • Fix the issue with the Harvester dying unexpectedly preventing completion of scheduled harvests 

  • Fix a validation error bug when editing a record with more than 30 relatedObjects/relatedInfo

DOI Service 

  • Implement a fix to the the DOI manual minting service to ensure updates are processed only when both URL and XML pass validation

  • Reactivate deactivated DOI on post of new metadata to keep in sync with DataCite

  • Enhance CMD DOI request events to capture more transaction information 

Handle Service (PIDS) 

  • As part a recent infrastructure migration project we have implemented a new service URL for the Handle Service ( . While we will continue to support the previous URL but we encourage users of the service to migrate to the new URL when convenient. Please refer to the Handle Service documentation for more information.

Research Vocabularies Australia (RVA) 

  • Fix the display of the organisations in the RVA CMS' 'Owner' field to also include the complete name of the organisation (e.g from 'ANDS' to 'Australian National Data Service (ANDS)) 

  • Improve the guidance text on the 'Provide Feedback' page in the RVA to provide clearer instructions 

  • Reword the tooltip/help text for the 'Top Concepts' section in the vocabulary metadata CMS 

  • Optimise Resource Mapping process to prevent timeouts when publishing large vocabularies 

Other (Widget, Tools, APIs, etc.) 

  • ORCID Wizard: Update the API to prevent relatedInfo/identifier from being picked up as a collection(works) identifier 

Please also note: 

  • As part of Release 24 ANDS will be migrating it's domain to a new host. This however should not impact any of our service consumers. If you have any concerns please get in contact before the 5th July. 

A reminder email will be sent out on implementation day.

Please schedule your activities accordingly. For any comments or questions, please email Thank you.

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