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R26 Impact and Requirements

ANDS Online Services Release 26 will be implemented on Wednesday 6 December 2017 from 8:00am to 12:00pm ADST. During the implementation the following services are impacted:

Intermittently unavailable

  • Research Data Australia (RDA)
  • RDA Registry
  • Research Vocabularies Australia (RVA) portal
  • ANDS DOI service
  • ANDS Handle service

Unaffected services

  • RVA editor (PoolParty)

Please find below the summary of all Release 26 changes with an overview of who, what and how the changes will impact our users.

Research Data Australia (RDA)

Change: Correct the display of Contact Information for records having multiple location addresses

  • Who is affected: RDA users
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) Records having multiple location addresses will now display each location as its own block under the Contact Info heading.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

Change: Fix the issue where inaccurate records are returned in RDA Suggested Datasets due to incorrect subjects pool query

  • Who is affected: RDA users
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) Users will now be presented with more accurate and relevant suggestions when viewing a record in RDA. This change also enables better discovery and re-use of data.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

Change: Review and update mapping for Collections and Services

  • Who is affected: RDA users
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) The updated mapping will eventually help users find more RDA data through search engines such as Google.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

Change: Refactor the NLA pullback job to ensure that new NLA identifiers used in RDA records are retrieved from NLA and published in a timely manner

  • Who is affected: RDA users, Data Source Administrators
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) Organisations and researchers which have been added as a record's related entity via the NLA identifier will now have their records created in RDA. Links to these records will now resolve.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

Change: Fix issue where access points for collections are being duplicated under the Go To Data Provider button on the view page

  • Who is affected: RDA users. Data Source Administrators
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) RDA users will no longer see duplicated access points for collection records.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

Change: Fix the relationship index so that the dataset's correct author is identified and exported properly using the Export to EndNote functionality in RDA

  • Who is affected: RDA users
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) EndNote exports from RDA will contain the correct authors.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

RDA Registry

Change: Allow data source administrators (DSAs) to customise the default CSW harvest parameters for their data source

  • Who is affected: Data Source Administrators with CSW Harvester
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) This change will remove the default harvester logic allowing users to fully customise the parameters sent to the CSW interface.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

DOI Service

Change: Fix bug preventing updates to client accounts where the client id is a single digit.

  • Who is affected: ANDS CMD Client Administrators
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) Existing clients will not be impacted by this change
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.


Change: Addition of IGSN, GRID, ScopusID, ISNI and RAiD as identifier types in RIF-CS

  • Who is affected: RDA Registry Users, Data Source Administrators, RDA Users
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) 
    • This is an optional change and is backwards compatible.
    • Users will now have more options to choose from when adding identifiers to records. This will allow consistent data entry for identifier types.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical UpdatesRIF-CS Schema pagesContent Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20)
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

Change: Addition of PONT, SCOT, APT, PSYCHIT and ISO639 subject types in RIF-CS

  • Who is affected: RDA Registry Users, Data Source Administrators, RDA Users
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (None) 
    • This is an optional change and is backwards compatible.
    • Users will now have more options to choose from when adding subjects or keywords. This will allow consistent data entry for subject types.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical UpdatesRIF-CS Schema pagesContent Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20)
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

Change: Simplification of RIF-CS identifier types

  • Who is affected: RDA Registry Users, Data Source Administrators, RDA Users
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) The 3 overlapping identifier type vocabularies (identifier, citationMetdata identifer and relatedInformation identifier) within RIF-CS will be merged into a single identifier type vocabulary. This will eliminate any confusion about the overlapping vocabularies and simplify the use of identifier types when encoding objects in RIF-CS. No identifier types will be removed as part of this merge.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical UpdatesRIF-CS Schema pagesContent Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20)
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

Research Vocabularies Australia

  • Change: Include missing JAR files in the vocabulary toolkit to allow parsing of vocabularies in some RDF formats (N3, N-Quads and TriX)
  • Who is affected: RVA users
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) No vocabulary was published in any of the affected RDF formats. In the future, upload of any of these formats will be completed without any issue.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

RDA-ORCID Integration Service

Change: Retrieve and index ORCID name if ORCID ID is used as relatedInfo identifier

  • Who is affected: ORCID users claiming works from RDA.
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) 
    • Upon processing RIF-CS records with a relatedInfo party which have an ORCID identifier, the system will attempt to retrieve the name of the party from ORCID and index this information for search and display in RDA. Metadata providers can therefore opt not to provide the name for a relatedInfo party when an ORCID identifier is provided.
    • Note that where a name is provided for the relatedInfo party it will be used for displayed in RDA.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

Change: ORCID Works Export: Upgrade the ORCID Works Export service to use ORCID API v2.0

  • Who is affected: ORCID users claiming works from RDA.
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) No impact to end users.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

Change: RDA to ORCID Import: Add better error reporting when importing from RDA

  • Who is affected: ORCID users claiming works from RDA.
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) Users will now be given proper error messages when an import of RDA records(works) to ORCID fails. It will make it easier for users to know that something went wrong instead of being redirected back to login page.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

Change: ORCID Import wizard: change default type to 'dataset' (currently set to 'other')

  • Who is affected: ORCID users claiming works from RDA.
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low) The mapping of RIF-CS records to ORCID works has been updated to better reflect the type of work being claimed. Collections with a type of 'dataset' or 'collection' will now be shown within ORCID with the type 'data-set'. Collections with a type of 'publication' will be shown in ORCID with a type of 'journal-article'. All other types will display as 'other'.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners, and general users.

To view previous releases' Impact and Requirements, see the Technical Updates pages.

If you have any questions or comments, please email

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