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R22 Impact and Requirements

Release 22 impact and requirements

Please find below the summary of all Release 22 changes with an overview of who, what and how the changes will impact our users.

Research Data Australia (RDA)

Change: Display 'principal investigator' first in the list of related parties in collection records 
  • Who is affected: RDA users, Registry Data Source Administrators (DSAs)
  • Action required: No immediate action required. See Impact below.
  • Impact: (low)
    • Parties or researchers related to a collection having the relationship 'hasPrincipalInvestigator' / 'isPrincipalInvestigatorOf' will now always be displayed first under the collection title on the record view page
    • Contributors who wish to display a particular researcher first when a record is viewed in RDA should edit their collection/party records and use the proper relationship type = 'hasPrincipalInvestigator' / 'isPrincipalInvestigatorOf'
    • Researchers or parties not using this relationship will be displayed in RDA in alphabetical order.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Content Providers Guide (CPG)Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff, Data Source Administrators, ANDS partners and general users.

Research Vocabularies Australia (RVA)

Change: Migration of the RVA editor to PoolParty Release 5.6 (from Release 5.3.4)
  • Who is affected: ANDS PoolParty editors
  • Action required:
  • Impact: (medium)
    • During the migration of the RVA editor to PoolParty Release 5.6, users will not be able to edit vocabularies in PoolParty.
    • After migration, please check your vocabularies in PoolParty.
  • Documentation affected/needed: RVA Technical DocumentationOnline Services Technical UpdatesPoolParty Release 5.6
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff and ANDS partners. Targeted email will be sent out to ANDS PoolParty and RVA service users.
Change: Change RVA Toolkit to work with PoolParty Release 5.6
  • Who is affected: RVA publishers
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low)
    • During the period between the migration of PoolParty to Release 5.6 and the completion of Release 22 implementation, RVA users will not be able to publish PoolParty vocabularies in RVA.
  • Documentation affected/needed: RVA Technical DocumentationOnline Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff and ANDS partners. Targeted email will be sent out to ANDS PoolParty and RVA service users.
Change: Update RVA Editor Admin Tool to work with PoolParty Release 5.6
  • Who is affected: RVA editor users
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low)
    • During the period between the migration of PoolParty to Release 5.6 and the completion of Release 22 implementation, users should not use the Editor Admin Tool.
  • Documentation affected/needed: RVA Technical DocumentationOnline Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff and ANDS partners. Targeted email will be sent out to ANDS PoolParty service users.
Change: Update Elda library used inside the LDA web application
  • Who is affected: RVA users: users of the Linked Data API
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low)
    • Results now include IRIs for all RDF properties, not just for those that were predefined in the configuration files. For result pages in HTML format, all RDF properties are now correctly hyperlinked.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff and ANDS partners. Targeted email will be sent out to RVA service users.

ANDS Registry

Change: Refactor ANDS Registry import and ingest process into smaller, robust, and testable components
  • Who is affected: Registry Data Source Administrators (DSAs), ANDS staff
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: (low)
    • The import and ingest processes used to harvest, manually create and manage records in the ANDS Registry has been refactored. The refactor will make the processes easier to maintain and extend, while also improving indexing accuracy for Research Data Australia.
  • Documentation affected/needed: Online Services Technical Updates
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff and ANDS partners. Targeted email will be sent out to Registry users.

DOI (Cite My Data) Service

Change: Implement solution to security vulnerability in Cite My Data service

  • Who is affected:DOI Service Users
  • Action required: No action required.
  • Impact: No impact.
  • Documentation affected/needed: NA
  • Requirements: Release announcements will be sent to ANDS staff and ANDS partners.

Information about previous releases are available from the Technical Updates pages.

For any comments or questions, please email

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