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R21 Announcements/News

Day 1 announcement

Release 21 of ANDS Online Services was successfully completed today, 12 October 2016.

The following services are now available.

  • Research Data Australia (RDA)
  • ANDS Collections Registry
  • DOI Service (Cite My Data)
  • Research Vocabularies Australia (RVA)
  • Handle Service (Identify My Data)

NOTE: Some background tasks are still running and users may experience slower than normal response times.

Important Links:

For any comments or questions, please email

Initial announcement

Release 21 of ANDS Online Services is scheduled for implementation on Wednesday, 12th of October 2016, from 9:00am to 12:00pm ADST.   Demo soft release is happening tomorrow, 11th October,  between 9:00am to 12:00pm ADST.

During the implementation, the following services will be impacted:

  • Research Data Australia (RDA)
  • ANDS Collections Registry
  • DOI Service (Cite My Data)
  • Research Vocabularies Australia (RVA)
  • Handle Service (Identify My Data)

R21 implements enhancements to the DOI service and to Research Vocabularies Australia (RVA). Below is the list of changes included in this release.

DOI Service (Cite My Data)

  • Enhancement to DOI service architecture and design
    • The DOI service API has been refactored to incorporate new functionality and to provide a better platform for future enhancements. The service endpoint URLs for the updated API are new but replicate the existing endpoints.
    • While the existing endpoints will continue to work, ANDS wishes to decommission these in 2017. Our clients are recommended to move to the new endpoint URLs as soon as feasible.
    • The ANDS DOI documentation will be updated to reflect this change.
  • Implementation of support for DataCite Schema v4.0
    • The manual minting interface will be updated to support the new version.
    • The DOI mahine-to-machine service will also be updated to support v4.0.
  • Implementation of a facility to do bulk update of DOIs
    • Bulk update of DOI URLs will now possible.
    • My DOIs will be udpated to support bulk updates.

Research Vocabularies Australia (RVA)

  • Addition of resource IRI mapping service/API to RVA

Impact and Requirements

The summary of all Release 21 changes with an overview of who, what and how the changes will impact our users is available here.

For any comments or questions, please email
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