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version 2.0.4 

Version release date:

  • Demo 10 September 2023

  • Prod 17 September 2023



  • Datacite Harvest method amended to use the Datacite “detail=true“ parameter

version 2.0.3 

Version release date:

  • Demo 1 August 2023

  • Prod 8 August 2023



  • Harvester to send status messages to Slack channel

version 2.0.2 

Version release date:

  • Demo 23 May 2023

  • Prod 30 May 2023



  • Harvester won't halt a harvest if unable to remove the content of previous harvests

  • Added a log to show the XSLT command to help debug crosswalk issues

version 2.0.1  

Version release date:

  • Demo 11 April 2023

  • Prod 18 April 2023


Addition of a DataCite query harvester.

version 2.0.0

Initial version release date:

  • 4 April 2023


Initial release of the ARDC versioning standard. Refer to ARDC Online Services: Introduction of Maintenance Windows and Product Versions.

The RDA Harvester is currently in its 2.0.0 version. The most recent major change to the Harvester was implemented  in 2014 .

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