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ANDS Software - Release 13

ANDS Online Services Release 13 gives Research Data Australia and ANDS Collections Registry more options for users and data providers.

Research Data Australia

Export collection references to EndNote

Research Data Australia users will now have the option to export selected collection references to Thomson Reuters EndNote product or any other bibliographic management software that supports the Research Information Systems (RIS) format. 

More Themes

A number of Theme pages are now available for browsing by Research Data Australia users. Theme pages bring together related content around a particular subject and provide an alternative path to discovery of data through thematic browsing. This development was supported by software changes made in Release 11 and Release 12. Do you have a new Theme Page in mind? Why not suggest it through Research Data Australia's Feedback / Contact Us form or email

More search engine-friendly URLs

Research Data Australia records now have shorter URL “slugs” making those records easier to find when using search engines such as Google.

Easier to contact us

An enhanced, user-friendly ‘Contact Us’ form allows users to provide more information and context to the email or request they send to via Research Data Australia.

ANDS Collections Registry

Thomson Reuters DCI export options

An option has been added to the Data Source Account Settings page which after consultation with the Data Source Administrator, allows ANDS to expose a provider’s records to the Thomson Reuters Data Citation Index (Note: This option is currently available to ANDS Registry Administrators. Please email for assistance)

ANDS Harvester enhancements

The ANDS Harvester now provides further support for schema agnostic metadata feeds and alternative harvest methods as well as improved performance and error reporting for Data Source Administrators. Crosswalks for additional harvest methods and metadata types can be added to the ANDS Registry as needed. Please contact if you are interested in CKAN or CSW harvest methods. Learn more about the harvest methods and find out how to install the new Harvester now!

Minor changes and bug fixes

The following minor changes to ANDS Online Services are also included in this release:

  • Re-write of Data Source Settings page addresses issues with random error messages displayed when viewing or editing a data source page
  • Enhancement to Thomson Reuters web service
  • Enhancement to ORCID/ORCA import interface
And for  Research Data Australia:
  • Issue with Theme page facets fixed



  • Release 13 - a closer look! - webinar recording now available in YouTube.


  • Guides to changes in ANDS Online Services Release 13


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