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Runtime Fields currently in use for RLA Dashboards

Current as at 17 May 2024
Compiled by Jo Dalvean

AusUni  - this script is timing out and needs attention - see Data Issues
Returns an array of Australian universities from all organisations listed on a grant - ie from "kibanaData.organisationNames". Sort of the opposite of  'kibanaData.nonPublicOrganisations' / “nonUniversityPartners”. 

Updated 18 May The key search script may be returning false positives - but this is OK if the actual uni is also listed in the grant - eg Deakin University Student Association is not a university but also on the grant is Deakin University 

CollaborationType. Uses 'kibanaData.nonPublicOrganisations' and org counts to determine whether a grant has no partners, uni partners only or non-university partners.

End - returns the year of the endDate as a number without a comma eg not 2,016. There is no way to show fields in Date form in most of the Visuals

Start - returns the year of the startDate as a number without a comma eg not 2,016. There is no way to show fields in Date form in most of the Visuals

IndRelated - updated kibanaData.isIndigenous with more codes (1998 and 2008 SEO codes mostly) and a text search in Uni Partners

AllPartners - returns a string from the array 'kibanaData.organisationNames' so that all partners show in a single row in the Map ToolTip (Kibana will not show array contents in a single row)

PartnerList  - returns a string from the array 'kibanaData.nonPublicOrganisations' so that all Non-University Partners display in a single row in the Data table at the foot of the dashboard (Kibana will not show array contents in a single row)

PrimaryFOR - Not used at the moment. This a workaround for the reported issue that not all grants have a value for ‘primary.subject’  or ‘summary.primaryVocabs.label.keyword’  - see Data Issues

PrimaryFORName - This a workaround for the reported issue that not all grants have a value for ‘primary.subject’  or ‘summary.primaryVocabs.label.keyword’ see Data Issues

RFCD codes (which as FOR codes in 1998) have been reused in 2020. See Overlaps heading in Reconstruction fund priority areas, Fisheries, and Indigenous dashboards | Overlaps

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