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Reconstruction fund priority areas, Fisheries, and Indigenous dashboards


Decision: (Ming) 4 September 2024 to only include grants against relevant codes, and not use text filters (which bring in false positives). As a result about 10% of eligible grants - those not linked to eligible codes - will be excluded


ARC codes include FOR codes for 2020, 2008; RFCD codes for 1998; and SEO codes for 2020, 2008 and 1998

1998 RFCD and SEO codes

2008 and 2020 SEO and FOR codes


Current issue with RFCD codes 1998 duplicating newer codes FOR 2020 - requires checking
Proposed solution - start at 2009
Solution for later - separate RFCD codes form FOR codes in Elastic Search

Dashboard Topics

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander related Research
FOR codes only

National Reconstruction Fund

1. Value‑add in resources 

(1) The area of the Australian economy that is involved in:

 (a) manufacturing products for use in or in connection with the mining industry; or

 (b) manufacturing products for use in or in connection with processing minerals; or

 (c)  processing minerals;

  • manufacture innovative products used in or in connection with mining, such as exploration and drilling technology, safety solutions and transport

  • process, refine and use minerals here in Australia including refining materials for use in battery manufacturing and technologies

  • manufacture products and technologies to advance mineral processing, refinement and fabrication.

Filter for dashboards

summary.forSubjectCodes : (4019 OR 0914 OR 4019* OR 0914* OR 2907*) OR summary.seoSubjectCodes : (1706* OR 8502* OR 960105 OR 960908 OR 961404  Or 961007 OR 861404 OR 250* OR 840* OR 259999 OR 849* OR  or 640*)

No issues with overlap with 1998 RFCD codes

Full list of Codes
Resources codes for Dashboards

Export of grants currently included

2. Value‑add in agriculture, forestry and fisheries

 (2) The area of the Australian economy that is involved in:

 (a) manufacturing products for use in or in connection with a primary industry; or

 (b) manufacturing products for use in or in connection with processing produce of a primary industry; or

 (c)  processing produce of a primary industry;

The National Reconstruction Fund Corporation may invest in activities that add value to the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors by:

  • manufacturing products for use in or in connection with primary industries

  • processing primary industry outputs into higher value goods.

Activities may include:

  • fertiliser and farm equipment manufacture

  • technologies to manage crop, tree, and animal health

  • improved storage solutions that extend product life

  • manufacturing food, beverages, timber and fibre products that are processed from primary industry outputs.

Manufacturing doesn’t include new farms or plantations.

Filter for Dashboards

summary.forSubjectCodes : (300* OR 070*) OR summary.seoSubjectCodes : (100* OR 820* OR 630* OR 260* OR 671501 or 620*)

Overlap b/w RFCD 1998 codes and FOR 2020 codes - resolved if years are from 2009 onwards

List of Codes
Primary Industry codes for Dashboards

Export of Grants currently included

Special case: Fisheries
Demo dashboard only

(summary.forSubjectCodes : (3005* OR 0704* OR 3007*) OR summary.seoSubjectCodes : (1002* OR 1003* OR 8301* OR 8302* OR 6303*)) AND NOT PrimaryFOR: 0605

Export of Grants currently included

3. Transport

The area of the Australian economy that is involved in manufacturing any of the following products:

 (a) aircraft, road vehicles, rail vehicles or ships;

 (b) products for use in or in connection with aircraft, road vehicles, rail vehicles or ships;

is a priority area of the Australian economy for the purposes of the Act.

  • aircraft

  • road vehicles

  • rail vehicles

  • ships.

Transport manufacture doesn’t include common use infrastructure such as roads or railways. It does include the products and components used in infrastructure, such as road surfacing materials or rail sleepers.

Filter for Dashboards

(summary.forSubjectCodes : (4001* OR 4002* OR 9010* OR 9020* OR 29020* OR 2904* OR 290803 OR 4015* OR 0911* OR 2912*) OR summary.seoSubjectCodes : (2415* OR 2701* OR 2703* OR 2704* OR 8613* OR 8801* OR 8802* OR 8803* OR 690* OR 6711*) AND NOT summary.forSubjectCodes : (400107 OR 090108 OR 290207)) AND NOT summary.seoSubjectCodes : (270103 OR 270104 OR 270106 OR 270305 OR 270306 OR 270309 OR 270310 OR 270311 OR 270409 OR 270410 OR 861305 OR 880103 OR 880104 OR 880107 OR 880108 OR 880109 OR 880205 OR 880206 OR 880303 OR 880304 OR 880305 OR 690302) and NOT PrimaryFOR : 2001

Note that 4001* covered journalism and communications in RFCD 1998, so need to exclude these by Primary FOR - resolved if years are from 2009 onwards

List of Codes

Export of Grants currently included

(Health Dashboard already exists)

Amir’s FOR codes plus a couple of extras confirmed with him

FOR codes only

4. Medical science

The area of the Australian economy that is involved in manufacturing products for therapeutic use is a priority area of the Australian economy for the purposes of the Act.

5. Renewables and low emission technologies

The area of the Australian economy that is involved in manufacturing products for use in or in connection with:

 (a) renewable energy generation, transmission, distribution or storage; or

 (b) greenhouse gas emissions reduction; or

 (c) energy efficiency; or

 (d) recycling; or

 (e) waste reduction; or

 (f) resource recovery;

Manufacturing does not cover the installation of standalone renewable energy infrastructure for the generation of power for general use, such as solar or wind farms. It does include opportunities such as the manufacture of:

  • components of wind turbines

  • batteries 

  • solar panels

  • hydrogen electrolysers

  • innovative packaging solutions for waste reduction.

Filter for Dashboards

summary.forSubjectCodes : (3702* OR 4011* OR 4101* OR 4105* OR 400910 OR 040104 OR 040105 or 0907* OR 0501* OR 050206 OR 050299 OR 090605 OR 2911*) OR summary.seoSubjectCodes : (170* OR 850* OR 660*) AND NOT summary.seoSubjectCodes : (1706* OR 8501* OR 8502* OR 6601*)

List of Codes (WIP? check RFCD)

Export of Grants currently included

6. Defence capability

The area of the Australian economy that is involved in manufacturing products that are wholly or primarily for use in or in connection with defence

Filter for Dashboards

summary.seoSubjectCodes : (1401* OR 8101* OR 6101*) OR summary.forSubjectCodes : (1005* OR 0901* Or 4001* Or 401206 Or 401201 OR 4006* OR 2917* OR 2902*)

List of Codes

Export of Grants currently included

7. Enabling capabilities

The area of the Australian economy that is involved in manufacturing any of the following products:

 (a) advanced manufacturing technologies or materials technologies;

additive manufacturing,

advanced composite materials

high specification machining processes


advanced integrated circuit manufacture

 (b) artificial intelligence technologies;

 (c) advanced information or communication technologies;

 (d) quantum technologies;

 (e) autonomous systems;

 (f) robotics technologies;

 (g) positioning, timing and sensing technologies;

 (h) biotechnologies;

 (i) space objects or products for use in, or in connection with, space objects;

 (j) other advanced technologies;

Filter for Dashboards

summary.seoSubjectCodes : (2404* OR 241201 OR 241202 OR 8616* OR 6712*) OR summary.forSubjectCodes : (3106* OR 1003* OR 4007* OR 400912 OR 401602 OR 401603 OR 401604 OR 4018* OR 4602* OR 510805 OR 5109* OR 5110* OR 400107 OR 090602 OR 091302 OR 091303 OR 091399 OR 091007 OR 020603 OR 091202 OR 091203 OR 091204 OR 091009 OR 1007* OR 0801* OR 020102 OR 020106 OR 020107 OR 020109 OR 020199 OR 029904 OR 090108 OR 2708* OR 290101 OR 290105 OR 299903 and 290301 OR 291804 OR 280209 OR 280201 OR 280206 OR 280212 OR 280210) AND NOT summary.seoSubjectCodes : (240401 OR 240402 Or 861601 OR 861602 OR 671204 OR 671205) AND NOT summary.forSubjectCodes : (100701 OR 100703 OR 100709 OR 100710 OR 80103 OR 80104 OR 80106 OR 80109)

List of Codes

Export of Grants currently included

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