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I am a Data Source Administrator and I need to delete a record in the RDA Registry. How should I go about this?

If you manually entered the record into the Registry that you now want to delete, follow these steps: 

  1. Login to ARDC Online Services ( using your AAF username and password. Search for the record you want to delete. To do this, do either of the following:

    • Go to 'My Data' > 'Manage My Data Sources' > {select the data source} > 'Manage Records'. Look for the record you want to delete.

Manage Records will only show the latest 25 records that you have added to the Registry.  If the record you want to delete is not there, use option "b" below or click 'More' down the bottom of the table.  Also, if you have just recently added the record you want to delete, you may not see it right away on the Manage My Records screen.

  1. In the 'Manage Records' screen, add a keyword in the 'Search' box. Use a filter to optimise your search result. Find the record you want to delete.

  2. Click on the record once. Click on the 'More' > 'Delete record'

  3. Open the record (double-click). At the bottom of the 'Registry Metadata' section, click on 'Delete record'.

NOTE:  You will only have authorisation to delete records for which you are the Data Source Administrator.
HINT: To select multiple records, hold the 'Ctrl' key while selecting records to be deleted.

If the record was harvested into the Registry , then you will need to remove or edit the record from the harvest point at your institution. If you just delete the record from the registry, next time ARDC harvests your records the record will appear in the Registry again.

I entered a new draft record into the RDA Registry and now it has disappeared. Can you get it back for me?

You can find your draft record using the 'Manage Records' menu option, provided you have not deleted the record. Unfortunately, if you have deleted your Draft record, we have no way of recovering it for you. This is why we ask you first to confirm the deletion of the record when you hit the "Delete"  icon.

The data source history tool accessible via 'view Deleted records' icon on your Manage Records screen can only recover deleted Published records.

Remember: Draft records are not searchable using the Research Data Australia search screens.

I used a tool to transform my xml to RIF-CS. As a result, there were empty elements or additional spaces added. Can you remove these so they are displayed properly in Research Data Australia?

No. As a policy, ARDC does not alter or tamper with the data provided to us. Whatever information was provided through the harvester into the RDA Registry, it will be the exact data that will be displayed in Research Data Australia.

When adding records manually through our Add Records screen, we strip spaces for elements where a trailing or leading space is not expected (i.e. key). In addition, validation checks are done for those required fields as well to make sure no element is empty when saved. These checks and validations  are not done on harvested records.

Can I change 'originating source' when I'm manually entering records?

No. RDA Registry will automatically assign 'originating source' as: "".

An option for you is to export your RIF-CS XML from the RDA Registry and modify it, then harvest the modified data from a public URL or copy and paste the XML to your data source. See ARDC Content Providers Guide (copied - 2023-06-20).

Do I automatically have a Contributor Home Page? Where can I get information about it?

Yes. An auto-generated Contributor Home Page is available for all RDA contributors. The default page links to all collections, parties, activities and services contributed by that organisation, provided that these records share the same group attribute. If you are the DSA of your organisation, you can embellish or enrich your Contributor Home Page.

To learn more about Contributor Home Page, please read the Contributor Page Help Document.

How will contributors with home pages look from the Research Data Australia home page (Who contributes to Research Data Australia)?

Only contributors with a logo on their Contributor Page will home pages will look as they do now in Research Data Australia. However, clicking on the contributor's name will take you to their home page instead of to a search result page (as is currently the case).

Who approves the Contributor Home Page?

As the Contributor Home Page is a public web document representing your organisation, ARDC advises that you should use only approved text and consult appropriate authorities within your organisation.

When an institution opts to have a Contributor Home Page, the Data Source Administrator will be prompted to seek approval for any content added to this page from the appropriate authorised person in the institution.

How long does it take to set up a Contributor Home Page?

 For the majority of our contributors, this can take no time at all. Our WYSIWYG Contributor CMS is easy to use (with the proviso that you have sought and obtained approval for the content of your page from your institution - see "Who approves the Contributor Home Page content" above).

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