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The getRIFCS API provides access to the contents of the RDA Registry, a metadata repository which underpins the core infrastructure of Research Data Australia and the ARDC.

Using this API, you can perform complex search queries and retrieve the original RIF-CS XML, as received by ARDC from the data source.

Example use cases for the service include:

  • Retrieving collection records for a particular institution, region or subject area
  • Harvesting a subset of the RDA Registry (see also:OAI-PMH)
  • Populating a pick-list or lookup service (also try the RDA Registry Search Widget)

The service can retrieve contextual metadata such as activities, parties and services as well as collection records. Use this API if your system uses RIFCS internally or if you prefer being able to work with and validate XML content.


Before you start! To use this service, institutions or individuals must register for a free API key.

Resource URL

  • This API is a RESTful Web Service. Simply replace the blue parameters with the appropriate values and issue a HTTP GET request.
  • Replace {YOUR API KEY} with the key your organisation registered (no API key? register for free)
  • Replace {params} with some combination of the parameters below. Note: all parameter values must be URL-encoded.
  • By default, results are limited to 10 records per request. Use the start and rows parameters to step through additional results.

Service Parameters

These parameters have the same meaning as defined by SOLR Common Query Parameters (SOLR enterprise search server).

ParameterDescriptionExample Usage
qThe q parameter is normally the main query for the request.All values of q must be URL-encoded. It is also recommended that string values are surrounded by quotes.By default, the field seperator is “OR” unless “AND” is explicitly specified (see example usage #4).

1. Matching all records (i.e. unrestricted search):
q=*:*2. Matching records based on a particular field:
q=class:(collection)3. Matching multiple field values (OR):
q=class:(collection OR party)4. Matching on multiple fields (AND):
q=class:(collection) AND group_search:("Monash")5. Wildcard searching on string fields:

See Indexed Fields for more options.

sortSorting can be done on any indexed field which only has single values. Sort can be either:desc or asc.Note: Fields which are indexed as string or integers are sortable. Other field types may produce unexpected results.1. Sort based on key in ascending order:
q=*:*&sort=key asc2. Sort based on update time in descending order (most recent first):
q=key:*:*&sort=update_timestamp desc

This parameter is used to paginate results from a query.When specified, it indicates the offset in the complete result set for where the set of returned documents should begin and end.By default, results start at0 with 10 rows displayed. That is, by default only 10 rows are displayed in response to a search query.1. Display the first 10 records with a key starting AODN:q=key:AODN*2. Display the next 10 records with a key starting AODN:q=key:AODN*&start=10

3. Display 100 records starting from number 1000:


Response Format

  • By default, responses from this service are returned in XML format which can be validated against the RIF-CS Schema.
  • If no records match your query or the query was malformed, an empty <registryObjects> wrapper will be returned.

Example Usage

Return collection records from a particular group/organisation

Return all records of class “collection” which have the group attribute “Australian Ocean Data Network“:

getRIFCS?q=class:(collection) AND group:("Australian Ocean Data Network")&rows=3 



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"; ?>
<registryObjects xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <registryObject group="Australian Ocean Data Network">
    <collection type="dataset">
      <identifier type="local">AODN:c9cb7389-7af1-4e0a-8c95-6f295f1cec1e</identifier>
      <name type="primary">
        <namePart type="full">AIMS Weather Station Data - Cleveland Bay Platform Rain -  From 03 Jul 1990 To 21 Oct 1992</namePart>
          <electronic type="url">
          <electronic type="url">
      <location dateFrom="1990-07-03T14:00:00" dateTo="1992-10-21T11:00:00" type="coverage">
        <spatial type="iso19139dcmiBox">northlimit=-19.15583; southlimit=-19.15583; westlimit=146.88116; eastLimit=146.88116; projection=WGS84</spatial>
        <relation type="metadataContact"/>
        <relation type="custodian"/>
        <relation type="pointOfContact"/>
        <key>AODN:Australian Bureau of Statistics: National Information and Referral Service (NIRS)</key>
        <relation type="owner"/>
        <relation type="isManagedBy"/>
      <subject type="local">Oceans  -  Ocean Temperature  - Water Temperature</subject>
      <subject type="local">EARTH SCIENCES - Atmospheric Sciences - Meteorology</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">0104</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">0105</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">0103</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">04</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">9699</subject>
      <description type="brief">This data set was collected by weather sensors deployed on the AIMS Weather Station site Cleveland Bay .

Deployment Information for Rain
Data Interval: From 03 Jul 1990 Through 21 Oct 1992
Deployment Location: Cleveland Bay Platform
Latitude: -19.15583 - Longitude: 146.88116</description>
      <description type="rights">Attribution 3.0 Australia</description>
      <description type="rights">Format for citation of data sourced from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in a list of references is as follows: "Australian Institute of Marine Science. [year-of-data-download], [Title], [data-access-URL], accessed [date-of-access]".</description>
      <description type="rights">Data, products and services from AIMS are provided "as is" without any warranty as to fitness for a particular purpose.</description>
        <registryObject group="Australian Ocean Data Network">
    <collection type="dataset">
      <identifier type="local">AODN:147b75a3-be17-4c7f-b12d-dbda75446fa1</identifier>
      <name type="primary">
        <namePart type="full">Temperature Logger Data at Penguin Is East,  From 15 May 2012 To 31 Jan 2013</namePart>
          <electronic type="url">
          <electronic type="url">
          <electronic type="url">
          <electronic type="url">
          <electronic type="url">
      <location dateFrom="2012-05-15T02:30:00" dateTo="2013-01-31T15:00:00" type="coverage">
        <spatial type="iso19139dcmiBox">northlimit=-32.30145; southlimit=-32.30145; westlimit=115.69378; eastLimit=115.69378; projection=WGS84</spatial>
        <relation type="metadataContact"/>
        <relation type="hasCollector"/>
        <relation type="pointOfContact"/>
        <key>AODN:LM Olsen, G Major, K Shein, J Scialdone, R Vogel, S Leicester, H Weir, S Ritz, T Stevens, M Meaux, C Solomon, R Bilodeau, M Holland, T Northcutt, RA Restrepo</key>
        <relation type="owner"/>
        <relation type="isManagedBy"/>
      <subject type="local">Oceans  -  Coastal Processes  - Coral Reefs</subject>
      <subject type="local">Oceans  -  Ocean Temperature  - Water Temperature</subject>
      <subject type="local">Coral bleaching</subject>
      <subject type="local">Climate change</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">0104</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">0105</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">0103</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">04</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">9699</subject>
      <description type="brief">This data set was collected by one or more temperature loggers deployed around the site of Penguin Is East.

Deployment Information for Water Temperature at 2.2m 
Data Interval: From 15 May 2012 Through 31 Jan 2013
Deployment Location: PENGUIN
Latitude: -32.30145 - Longitude: 115.69378
Sensor Description: HOBO Water Temp Pro v2
Sensor Manufacturer: HOBO
Sensor Model: Water Temp Pro v2</description>
      <description type="rights">All AIMS data, products and services are provided "as is" and AIMS does not warrant their fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. While AIMS has made every reasonable effort to ensure high quality of the data, products and services, to the extent permitted by law the data, products and services are provided without any warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of title, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. AIMS make no representation or warranty that the data, products and services are accurate, complete, reliable or current. To the extent permitted by law, AIMS exclude all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from the use of the data, products and services.</description>
      <description type="rights">Attribution 3.0 Australia</description>
      <description type="rights">Format for citation of data sourced from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in a list of references is as follows: "Australian Institute of Marine Science. [year-of-data-download], [Title], [data-access-URL], accessed [date-of-access]".</description>
        <registryObject group="Australian Ocean Data Network">
    <collection type="dataset">
      <identifier type="local">AODN:2bf0e568-935d-42fd-9e8b-d946e308d8ba</identifier>
      <name type="primary">
        <namePart type="full">Assessing habitat damage caused by the grounding of the Shen Neng 1 on Douglas Shoal, southern Great Barrier Reef, using towed video (Towvid)</namePart>
          <electronic type="url">
          <electronic type="url">
      <location dateFrom="2010-04-17T00:00:00" dateTo="2010-04-18T00:00:00" type="coverage">
        <spatial type="iso19139dcmiBox">northlimit=-23.091667; southlimit=-23.101783; westlimit=151.645833; eastLimit=151.659967; projection=WGS84</spatial>
        <relation type="metadataContact"/>
        <relation type="hasCollector"/>
        <relation type="pointOfContact"/>
        <key>AODN:Olsen LM, Major G, Shein K, Scialdone J, Vogel R, Leicester S, Weir H, Ritz S, Stevens T, Meaux M, Solomon C, Bilodeau R, Holland M, Northcutt T, Restrepo RA</key>
        <relation type="owner"/>
        <relation type="isManagedBy"/>
        <key>Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)</key>
        <relation type="pointOfContact"/>
      <subject type="local">Oceans  -  Coastal Processes  - Shoals</subject>
      <subject type="local">Biosphere  -  Aquatic Ecosystems  - Benthic Habitat</subject>
      <subject type="local">Towed video (Towvid)</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">0104</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">0105</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">0103</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">04</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">9699</subject>
      <description type="brief">Towed video (Towvid) was deployed on eight occasions over a two day period (17-18 April, 2010) on Douglas Shoal. Sites included the initial grounding site of the Shen Neng 1, on the south east edge of the Shoal, the final grounding site and a randomly selected unimpacted site on the same shoal but a minimum of 1050 m from the ship's path.

Initially, it was envisioned that the multibeam sonar bathymetry survey would generate real time high resolution topographical imagery to guide the Towvid survey. However, rough conditions on the voyage meant that post-survey analysis was required to reduce signal noise. Therefore, the path of the stern of the Shen Neng 1, together with the lay of the ship (provided by GBRMPA), was used and tows were planned to intercept and traverse areas where damage was likely to have occurred from contact of the ship's hull on the shoal along with areas of shoal not affected by the grounded ship.

A towed camera system incorporating a standard definition video camera and digital stills camera was deployed to recover imagery of the benthos. A computer-based application (Towvid), developed by AIMS, allowed for real-time classification of substrata, benthos and individual organisms. Data points were recorded at 2-second intervals or on demand when a new substrate, benthos or organism was observed.

Habitats were classified based on the substrata (4 categories) and overlying epibenthos (8 categories) and individual organisms (4 categories) viewed on the tapes.</description>
      <description type="rights">All AIMS data, products and services are provided "as is" and AIMS does not warrant their fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. While AIMS has made every reasonable effort to ensure high quality of the data, products and services, to the extent permitted by law the data, products and services are provided without any warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of title, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. AIMS make no representation or warranty that the data, products and services are accurate, complete, reliable or current. To the extent permitted by law, AIMS exclude all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from the use of the data, products and services.</description>
      <description type="rights">Ownership of all Intellectual Property Rights in the data remains with the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and all use of the data must acknowledge AIMS.</description>
      <description type="rights">All users of AIMS data must acknowledge the source of the material in the following manner: "Data was sourced from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)."</description>
      <description type="rights">Format for citation of data sourced from Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in a list of reference is as follows: "Australian Institute of Marine Science. [year-of-data-download], [Title], [data-access-URL], accessed (date-of-access]".</description>
      <description type="rights">The data is under exclusive access period. Contact AIMS for possible access to the data within this period.</description>

Filtering record results based on more advanced searches

Return the most recently harvested collection which has “marine” anywhere in its title:

q=class:(collection) AND title_search:("*marine*")&sort=update_timestamp desc&rows=1 



<registryObjects xmlns="" xmlns:extRif="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <registryObject group="The University of Queensland">
    <collection type="Collection" dateAccessioned="2013-11-26T11:09:40Z" dateModified="2014-10-07T11:35:04Z">
      <name type="primary">
        <namePart>Marine Genomics: sea sponge and other invertebrate genomic resources for the Great Barrier Reef</namePart>
      <dates type="dc.issued">
        <date type="dateFrom" dateFormat="W3CDTF">2013-01-01T00:00:00Z</date>
          <electronic type="email">
          <electronic type="url">
        <relation type="author">
          <description>Chief Investigator</description>
        <relation type="author">
          <description>Chief Investigator</description>
        <relation type="author">
          <description>ARC Postdoctoral Research Associate</description>
        <relation type="author">
          <description>Postdoctoral Research Associate</description>
      <subject type="local">Marine Genomics</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">060114</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">060305</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">060405</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">060407</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">060408</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">060409</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">060808</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">070401</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">100102</subject>
      <subject type="anzsrc-for">060102</subject>
      <description type="full">Genomic data and resources, including (i) draft genome annotated assemblies, (ii) associated annotated metagenome assemblies, (iii) developmental and tissue-restricted transcriptomes and other RNA-Seq data, (iv) ChIP-Seq and other maps of transcriptional regulatory regions, (v) chromatin states, and (vi) peptidomes, for Amphimedon queenslandica and other marine sponges.</description>
      <description type="rights">&amp;#xA9;2013, The University of Queensland</description>
      <description type="accessRights">Open Access</description>
      <description type="accessRights">Creative Commons Attribution noncommercial</description>
        <fullCitation style="harvard">Degnan, Bernard, Degnan, Sandra, Fernandez Valverde, Selene and Marie Gauthier (2013): Marine Genomics: sea sponge and other invertebrate genomic resources for the Great Barrier Reef. The University of Queensland. Collection. </fullCitation>
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