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Indexed Fields

Common Fields


keystringThe key of the record, provided in the RIFCS <key> element
originating_sourcestringThe originating source of the record, provided in the RIFCS
fulltexttext_en_splittingA full-text search of the entire record (and ARDC-inferred values)
texttext_en_splittingLegacy field of the full text field
titlestringThe record title as supplied in the record
display_titlestringThe title of the record (built from it’s nameParts)
list_titlestringThe alternate title of the record used when the record is displayed in a list
simplified_titlestringThe simplified title of the record used when the record has special characters and/or Unicode chars
alt_list_titlestringThe title of the record (when name part type is `alt`) as it is displayed in a list
alt_display_titlestringThe title of the record (built from it’s nameParts) when name part has type `alt`
descriptiontext_en_splittingThe description used for displaying search results.
classstringThe class of the record (one of collection, party, activity, service)
typestringThe registryObject type attribute (i.e. dataset (collections) or group (for parties))
groupstringThe group attribute of the registry object (usually the name of the institution/provider)
update_timestampdateThe W3CDTF timestamp representing when the record was most recently updated
slugstringThe unique user-friendly URL slug which is appended to the base URL of the portal.
contributor_pagestringThe slug of the contributor page of the data source that this record belongs to, if the slug is the same as the record, this indicate that the record is the contributor page
logostringThe logo of the record in the registry
license_classstringThe license of the record
originating_sourcestringThe originating source of the record
statusstringThe status of the record (note: only `PUBLISHED` records are indexed)
record_created_timestampdateThe timestamp of when the record was first ingested into the registry
record_modified_timestampdateThe timestamp of when the record was last modified

Vocabulary Fields


subject_value_resolvedstringThe resolved value of the subject (if any) (i.e. MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES).
subject_value_unresolvedstringThe subject value provided to ARDC (usually an anzsrc code in notation form (i.e. 020103))
subject_typestringThe type value of the subject (if any) (i.e. anzsrc-for).
subject_vocab_uristringThe resolved URI of the subject (if it is matched in a supported vocabulary).
subject_anzsrcforstringThe ANZSRC-FOR code that this record has
subject_anzsrcseostringThe ANZSRC-SEO code that this record has

Relationship Fields

A list of fields for searching related objects. They are indexed in the form of related_{class}_{field}. For eg. to find the related title of all the related object of class collection for a record. We use related_collection_title.

Valid searchable classes are collection, party_one, party_multi, activity and service


related_{class}_idstringThe ID of the related object of {class} that relates to this record
related_{class}_titlestringThe title of the related object of {class} that relates to this record
related_{class}_searchtext_en_splittingA search field for all related `class`

Activities Fields


activity_statusstringThe status of the grant record
funding_amountfloatThe amount of funding of the grant
researchersstringA list of participating researchers that relates to the grant
administering_institutionstringA list of institutions that administer the grant
fundersstringA list of funders for the grant
principal_investigatorstringA list of principal investigators of the grant

Other Fields


idstringThe unique registry id of the record (generated internally during the ingest process)
description_valuetext_en_splittingThe values of description elements in the record.
description_typestringThe types of description elements in the record.
identifier_valuestringThe values of identifier elements in the record.
identifier_typestringThe types of identifier elements in the record.
spatial_coverage_extentsstringThe extents of spatial coverage of this registry object (a bounding box on each of the spatial_coverage_polygons)
spatial_coverage_extents_wktlocation_rptA list of WKT markup representation for spatial coverages. This field is used for spatial searching
spatial_coverage_centresstringLat,Long pairs of the centre of each spatial region
spatial_coverage_polygonsstringLat,Long pairs of spatial region points
date_totdateDates related to the registry object indicating a “dateFrom” value
date_fromtdateDates related to the registry object indicating a “dateTo” value
earliest_yearintThe year of the earliest date value (for temporal-based search)
latest_yearintThe year of the latest date value (for temporal-based search)
tagstringThe tag assigned to the record.
tag_typestringA `public` or `secret` tag
data_source_idstringThe unique registry id of the data source (generated internally)
data_source_keystringThe key of the data source that provided the record
matching_identifier_countintThe number of other records with a matching identifier
tr_citedintThe number of times this record has been cited via Thomson Reuters
theme_pagestringA list of theme pages that this record can belong to

Search and Sort Fields


tag_sortalphaOnlySortSorting of the tag field
tag_searchtext_en_splittingAllows for greater search functionality of the tag field than a `string` type search.
group_sortalphaOnlySortSorting of the group field
group_searchtext_en_splittingAllows for greater search functionality of the group field than a `string` type search.
type_sortalphaOnlySortSorting of the type field
type_searchtext_en_splittingAllows for greater search functionality of the type field than a `string` type search.
title_searchtext_en_splittingAllows for greater search functionality of the title field than a `string` type search.
list_title_sortalphaOnlySortSorting of the list_title field
alt_title_searchtext_en_splittingAllows for greater search functionality of the alt_title field than a `string` type search.
simplified_title_searchtext_en_splittingAllows for greater search functionality of the simplified_title field than a `string` type search.
subject_value_resolved_sortalphaOnlySortSorting of the subject_value_resolved field
subject_value_resolved_searchtext_en_splittingAllows for greater search functionality of the subject_value_resolved field than a `string` type search.
s_subject_value_resolvedalphaOnlySortLegacy field used for sorting of the subject_value_resolved field
identifier_value_searchtext_en_splittingAllows for greater search functionality of the identifier_value field than a `string` type search.
related_object_display_title_searchtext_en_splittingAllows for greater search functionality of the related_object_display_title field than a `string` type search.
spatial_coverage_area_sumsfloatSum of all the spatial coverage area
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