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Data Source Account

I am a Data Source Administrator, how do I request access to the production environment?

If your organisation is a new ARDC partner or client, and before you request access to the ARDC Online Services production environment, we recommend that you first discuss the process with your ARDC Outreach Officer. They should be able to guide and assist you in setting up your organisation's data  source account and the new users in our system. You may also be advised to have access to our Demo environment.

If your organisation's data source account already exists, and you are just being added as a new DSA, simply login to the RDA Registry and notify ARDC services that you need DSA access to your organisation's data sources. Don't forget to copy your ARDC Outreach Officer and the current DSA  in your email. The complete information on how to get access to ARDC Online services is available here Getting an Online Services account.

For more information, please email

Do we need a new Agreement form for each new data source administrator?

No. The original Provider Agreement is binding on ARDC and your organisation unless one or the other party gives notice of termination of that agreement in writing. Changes to or addition of personnel does not necessitate a new Agreement.

I'm moving on to a new role and someone else is going to be the Data Source Administrator for ARDC. What do I need to do?

You need to contact your ARDC Outreach Officer to let them know that you are moving on. When a replacement is in situ, we will need to get them to inform us via when they have logged in to either the Production or the Demo system (or both) so that we can set them up in the with proper access and add their emails to our mailing lists.

Can I register a functional account as a Data Source Administrator?

Access to ARDC Online Services is provided to individual users with valid AAF account and we discourage the use of functional (shared) data source administrator account. Individual access ensures accountability and at the same time, supports better account management on the part of both ARDC and the  users (users don't have to manage multiple account logins).

We also discourage the creation of built-in functional account for this purpose. However, we look at a possibility of using a built-in account as necessary, such as for urgent creation or modification of a record in the RDA Registry or as a work-around for management of a handle previously minted through  Identify My Data service.

For any issue or concern, please email

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