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RIF-CS 1.5 Changes (2013)

29 October 2013  

What's new in  RIF-CS 1.5?


This year, we have received RIF-CS recommended changes and the following have been approved by the RIF-CS Advisory Board (RAB) on 6th August 2013:

  • Publications and other Object linking using relatedInfo, which enables the following:
    1. expansion of the intended usage of the relatedInfo element to allow linking to any external resource of any type (e.g publication, collection, party, service, activity, etc.) via that resource's identifier
    2. the addition of the existing RIF-CS "relation" element as a child of relatedInfo, to allow for the type of relation to be specified
    3. some new standard "type" attribute values to allow for the type of linked resource, and the type of that resources' identifier, to be specified
    • Impact to data providers: Optional requirement, no immediate action required from the providers.  The changes are backwards compatible and it allows a simplification of the manner of creating connections to registry objects.

The following vocabulary changes were presented outside the RAB meeting:

  • Addition of 'nhmrc' identifier/@type to the existing types such as 'arc'
  • Addition of new relationship types for relatedInfo as a result of enabling publication and object linking using relatedInfo

The above changes wil be included in this year's RIF-CS schema change  happening in November. For more information, the minutes of the meeting are now available on the ANDS website.   For any comment or feedback, please email

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