Release 32 (4 June 2019)
Initial Announcement
22 May 2019
Release 32 of ARDC Online Services is scheduled for implementation on 4 June 2019, between 8am and 12pm AEST. This release implements a number of enhancements and bug fixes to Research Vocabularies Australia and Research Data Australia. Below is the list of all the changes planned for this release.
Research Data Australia
- Optimisation of CSS to improve page load times.
- Improvements to RIF-CS to mapping.
Research Vocabularies Australia
- New Browse Tree visualisation for the vocabulary view page.
- PHP configuration changes to prevent errors with the vocabulary widget in tree mode.
- Enhancements to the vocabulary widget to support more than 10 concepts at any level in a hierarchy.
- Implement fix for incorrect expand/collapse icons being displayed in the vocabulary widget in tree mode.
Other Change:
- ARC and NHMRC grants refresh
During the implementation, the following services are impacted:
- Research Data Australia (RDA)
- RDA Registry
- DOI Service
- Research Vocabularies Australia (RVA) portal
The following services are not impacted and will still be available during release implementation:
- Handle Service
- IGSN Service
- DOI Resolution
- RVA Editor (PoolParty)
A soft release on Demo is happening on 3 June 2019 . The following services will be intermittently unavailable in the Demo environment during the soft release:
- Research Data Australia Demo
- RDA Demo Registry
- Handle Test Service
- Research Vocabularies Australia Demo portal
Please schedule your activities accordingly. Feedback or comments should be sent to Thank you for your support.