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Release 17 (22 Sep 2015)

11 September 2015

Release 17 of ANDS Online Services is scheduled for implementation on Tuesday, 22nd September 2015. This release launches the production version of the ANDS Vocabulary Service, first release of the ANDS Services Reports and a number of  Research Data Australia and ANDS Registry bug fixes and enhancement requests received through the ANDS Service Desk.

ANDS Vocabulary Service
Based on user feedback from the beta release and ANDS internal testing, the following will be completed for the ANDS vocabulary service (watch out for more vocabulary service announcements soon!)

  • Migration of all published vocabularies from the old ANDS Vocabulary Catalogue to  Research Vocabularies Australia
  • Enhancements to vocabulary portal (MyVocabs, Vocabulary search, Vocabulary CMS, Add Vocabulary, etc.) user interface
  • New vocabulary widget support for RIF-CS,  ANZSRC-FOR, ANZSRC-SEO, GCMD

ANDS Services Reports Phase 1
ANDS Services Reports is an online self-service reporting tool that enables our partners to understand the value, impact and usage of ANDS Services for their organisation. For their organisation, logged in data source administrators will have access to:

  • RDA Statistics - record page views, search statistics, access/download reports, list of popular records, top search terms
  • DOI Statistics - number of DOIs minted per data centre, broken links (with a plan to include DOI resolution in the future)
  • ANDS Registry reports - quality reports, records breakdown per data source per organisation

RDA minor improvements and bug fixes

  • RDA record view page:
    • Prevent blank elements from displaying in record's view page
    • Include relatedInfo relationships in 'nested collections'
    • In nested collections view (This dataset is part of a larger collection), allow users to expand the list on the same page instead of opening up a new window
    • Remove display of related groups or researchers under the party record's title/name (related groups or researchers are displayed on the Related Information section of the page)
  • RDA search minor fixes:
    • Prevent draft related objects from being displayed on the search result page when the title/name contains the search term
    • Hover text will now be made available for all search terms in Current Search box to allow users to review long search terms entered in the Search bar
    • Clear the search term in the Advanced Search when it has been previously cleared in Current Search box
    • Improve the display of the record's text snippets on the search result page
    • Include alternative names in the search index
  • Who Contributes to RDA:
    • Add an option to display a list view of all contributors
    • Centre-alignment and proper scaling of logos in 'Who Contributes to RDA'
  • Contributor Page:
    • Remove capitalisation of ANZSRC codes in record's view page
    • Add an option to display all collections under 'Last 5 Collections Added'

ANDS Registry minor fixes

  • Fix an issue where a user is prevented from saving a record containing empty Dates/DateFrom
  • Re-enable 'Create a draft record' from Manage Records view in the Registry

For any comments or questions, please email Thank you.

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