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Release 16.2 (11 Aug 2015)

7 August 2015

Service Release 16.2 of ANDS Online Services is scheduled for implementation on Tuesday, 11 August 2015 from 9:00am to 12:00pm AEST. A soft release in Demo will be done on Monday, 10 August 2015.

This service release implements minor bug fixes and usability enhancements to Research Data Australia (from our major update in April) and updates to the Vocabulary Service preview release.

Research Data Australia:

  • Fixed an issue where some relatedInfo values are not displaying in RDA's record view page
  • Fixed the recommended citation in RDA where it displays the last modified date instead of creation date. This issue does not affect recommended citation from citationInfo
  • Fixed the display of encoded HTML in accessRights element
  • Corrected the broken links found in Services and Tools theme page
  • Enhanced the display of long Contributor names/titles in 'Who Contributes to RDA'
  • Re-implemented Theme Page badges in RDA

Grants and Projects Portal:

  • Fixed the link to all related parties from the party record view page
  • Removed individuals and some invalid activity records from 'Managing Institution' filter

Vocabulary Service:

  • Implemented enhancements to the initial release version of the Vocabulary Portal
  • Created PoolParty administration tool


  • Fixed the issue with the Grant ID Lookup widget wherein the list of matching grants disappear right after it was displayed

During the implementation, the following services will be intermittently unavailable:

  • Research Data Australia
  • ANDS Collections Registry
  • Cite My Data Service (DOI)
  • Identify My Data (Handle)
  • Vocabulary Service

Please schedule your activities accordingly. To learn more or ask questions, please email Thank you for your support.

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