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Release 15.1 (6 May 2015)

4 May 2015

Service Release 15.1 is scheduled for general availability on 6th May 2015. Release 15.1 is a small service release to address some minor feedback from the Release 15 system and usability testing and some minor issues raised after Release 15.

This service release includes the following Research Data Australia changes:


  • Fixed bug with search results when a Time Period filter is removed
  • Changed ‘Unknown' in search filter values to ‘Other'
  • Added Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) keywords to Subject Vocabs dropdown
  • Added a processing icon to indicate a vocabulary is loading on the Advanced Search Subjects filter
  • Fix a bug in Advanced Search where query terms were not displaying on the Review tab

Search Results page:

  • Added information text with the Access and Licence filters on the Search Results page
  • Fixed bug with DOI export to EndNote
  • Updated the sort option ‘Date Added' with an icon to indicate direction
  • Fixed issue where users were not navigated to the top of the Search Results page when filtering

Record View page:

  • Fixed bug where spatial text was not displayed for Draft records in the Research Data Australia preview
  • Fixed bug with Online Service URLs in the Go To Data Provider slide down
  • Fixed bug with relations displaying on grant view page
  • Added researches encoded in the 'relatedInfo' element of grant records to the Grants and Projects search results

Contributor Pages:

  • Added a link to view all Group records from a Contributor page
  • Fixed bug with Contributor Logo upload in IE9
  • Minor updates to Contributor page display
  • Fixed bug with Help navigation when in the Contributor Page CMS
  • Added navigation confirmation message to prevent users losing unsaved changes in the Contributor CMS
  • Removed Contributor Page settings from the Data Source Account Settings page


  • Added sort options to the Saved Records table in MyRDA
  • Added record class icons to saved records in MyRDA

If you have any question or feedback, please email Thank you.

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