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Release 13.2 (3 Sep 2014)

01 September 2014

Service Release 13.2 is scheduled for implementation on Wednesday, 3rd September 2014 from 8:30AM to 10:30AM (AEST).
The following services are impacted:

 ANDS Collections Registry

  • Research Data Australia
  • Cite My Data (DOI service)
  • Identify My Data (Handle service)

A soft release on Demo will happen today, 1st September.
Release 13.2 is a small service release to address some minor issues raised through the Service Desk.
This service release includes the following changes:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from uploading new vocabulary files when using the ANDS Vocabulary Service. 
  • Corrected the issue with incorrect recording of a user role's creation date within the ANDS Collections Registry
  • Extend colocation display of records describing the same object to collection records. This will allow multiple records which describe the same collection be colocated in a single search result and view page in Research Data Australia.

Please schedule your activities accordingly. If you have any question or feedback, please email  Thank you.

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