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R28 Announcements

7 June 2018

Release 28 of ANDS Online Services is scheduled for implementation on 4 July 2018. This release implements a number of enhancements to Research Data Australia (RDA), DOI Service and Research Vocabularies Australia (RVA). Below is the list of all the changes planned for this release.

Research Data Australia

  • Integrate Relationship Graph into RDA view pages
  • Where a search result returns duplicate related records, ensure that the records from the same contributor are displayed as the primary result when merged
  • Update the RDA party view page to ensure that the electronic address is displayed when provided in RIF-CS
  • Change the label 'Go To Data Provider' to 'Access the data' in RDA view page and update the display to emphasise a clickable button
  • Properly index collections without licence types under 'Other' rather than 'Unknown'
  • Enhancements to the link extraction process for the Broken Links report to identify and strip characters unintentionally included in description URLs
  • Prevent draft records from being picked up by the Broken Links report

DOI Service

  • Assign a separate DOI prefix per client/organisation
  • Implement a new functionality that allows users to transfer DOI ownership
  • Implement a single test account for all clients
  • Remove client ID from DOIs
  • Implement an endpoint to return the status of a DOI
  • Validate response code/message received from DataCite after DOI minting or update

Research Vocabularies Australia

  • Ensure vocabulary widget can handle multilingual vocabularies *
  • SISSVoc definitions: Change dcterms created/modified to xsd:dateTime *
  • Implement a functionality that will allow RVA portal registered users to receive notifications for RVA updates


Please note that changes listed above are the planned features, subject to timetabling changes and community feedback.

* These changes are not included in this release. Implementation of these changes will be rescheduled at a later date.

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