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R23 Announcements/News

Release 23 (11 April 2017)

Release 23 of ANDS Online Services is scheduled for implementation on 11 April 2017. During the implementation, the following services will be unavailable:

  • Research Data Australia (RDA)
  • ANDS Collections Registry
  • ANDS DOI Service
  • ANDS Handle Service
  • Research Vocabularies Australia (RVA)
This release is focused on the migration of ANDS services infrastructure to a new service provider with some minor changes to the Research Vocabularies Australia:
  • Fix an issue with the RVA widget where a 404 error is returned on an empty search result
  • Fix the link on widgetable icon tooltip when on RVA search results page
  • Update the links on the "Use a vocabulary" page in RVA to point to the current documentation

ANDS Services infrastructure changes

Migration of ANDS Services infrastructure to a new service provider. The migration will result in the changing of the IP address of our production RDA, ANDS Registry/Harvester, DOI and Handle service.

We are aware that some data sources restrict access to their harvest point by way of firewall/IP filter. These data source providers should ensure that they accept incoming connections from the new harvester IP address on the day of the release. A separate email will be sent out to our data providers with more information.

For any comments or questions, please email

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