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Guidance for clients transitioning from MyDOIs to DataCite Fabrica

DataCite DOI Fabrica serves is a one-stop service for ARDC consortium organisation members for:

  • Accessing and managing the organisation’s repository information

  • Minting new DOIs using the Fabrica interface

  • Updating and managing DOIs and their associated metadata

  • Reviewing the results of the link checker for each DOI record that has been checked 

Important Note:

By implementation, organisations are given repository access level only. Any changes to the organisation information and any addition of a new repository under an organisation will have to be reviewed and approved by ARDC. 

Transition Procedure:

  1. Discuss your transition plan within your organisation. 

  2. When you are ready to transition to the Datacite Fabrica, contact and advise ARDC of your preferred transition date.

  3. ARDC will send your organisation’s Fabrica credentials to your DOI contact.

  4. DOI contact: Distribute the account ID and password to all authorised DOI service users within your organisation.  Please bear in mind that this is a shared account therefore, care should be taken into consideration when distributing this account.

  5. Test your access in both test and production Fabrica. Make sure that you are able to see your  Repository Dashboard when logged in.

  6. You should be ready to create and manage your DOIs now.  

Accessing DataCite Fabrica:


  • Repository account ID

  • The Repository Account ID is the username and your shared secret key is the password. Your account ID is the same for test and production Fabrica. Your DOI contact should have received these details from ARDC.  If you don’t have this information, contact your  DOI contact or email

  • Password

  • You have different passwords in test and production Fabrica.

  • If you are also using the DOI API, your Fabrica password is your shared secret key

  • Keep in mind that by resetting your Fabrica password you will be also resetting the password used by the DataCite APIs (i.e. REST, MDS and EZ APIs)

Login procedure

  1. Go to

  2. Click on the upper right hand corner of the screen and enter your account ID and password

  3. Once logged in, you will be presented with your Repository Dashboard which gives you:

  • the account information overview which includes the name of the Repository and the total number of DOIs.

  • repository settings 

  • the prefix(es) assigned to your repository

  • list of all DOIs minted by the repository

Managing DOIs

The requirements for minting DOIs have not changed as a result transitioning to DataCite Fabrica. Organisations are still required to provide the minimum metadata requirements to mint a DOI:

  • URL - The URL for the landing page of the dataset. 

  • Title - A name or title by which a resource is known.

  • Creators - The main researchers involved in producing the data, or the authors of the publication, in priority order.

  • Publisher - The holder of the data (including archives as appropriate) or institution that submitted the work.

  • Publication Year - The year when the data was or will be made publicly available.

  • ResourceType (with mandatory general type description sub property) - A description of the resource.

There are 2 ways to mint a DOI: 

Manage your DOIs

  • Update a DOI: change your DOI metadata, including the URL; change the state of a DOI from Findable (equivalent to Active status) to Registered (equivalent to Inactive status);

  • Delete a draft DOI: draft DOIs have not been registered to the global handle system therefore these DOIs only exist at DataCite Fabrica and can be deleted.

  • DOI states explained: understand the 3 DOI states: Draft, Registered and Findable


For assistance, please email or contact your ARDC Outreach Officer.

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