First stage: Online Services Production migration
Following on from the successful migration of the services in the Demonstration environment, we are now focusing on the migration of all non-RVA services in the Production environment.
The first stage of the migration is scheduled to begin on the 18 February 2020. This will see the databases underpinning many of the services in the Production environment being replicated onto the new host infrastructure. This process will be carried out over several days and will not require any significant downtime.
While all services in the Production environment will remain available during this stage of the migration, some services will require a quick restart following the replication and users may notice a very brief interruption in service availability. We will aim to perform these restarts when there is limited to no server activity to reduce the risk of impact to end users.
Please note, this stage of the migration only affects the Production environment. No changes are being made to the Demonstration environment. Communications for additional stages of the migration will be sent as required.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Thank you for your support.