ANDS Software - Release 19
What’s new and changed in Release 19?
Research Data Australia
Changes have been implemented to the map display on Research Data Australia (RDA) view pages to fix issues with the incorrect display of some locations on the map when using some ISO31661 codes, and where the map was not displayed for spatial location or spatial coverage containing a value of zero.
Example of ISO31661 for Papua New Guinea
The activity/grant view page has been slightly re-arranged to promote the use of the PURL grant identifier for referencing a research grant.
Example of a grant record with citeable PURL
Enhancements have been made to the party and activity view pages which will enable funders, programs and hubs to obtain a quick view of all their nested child activities and data outputs. The changes operate off a hierarchy of relationships between funder party records, activities, and collections using the funds/isFundedBy, isPartOf/hasPart and hasOutput/ isOutputOf relationships.
Example of a funder party record
Research Vocabularies Australia
Research Vocabularies Australia has had a minor makeover with the addition of a new Home page.
New Research Vocabularies Australia home page
A Widget Explorer page has been added to Research Vocabularies Australia, where users can follow a simple step by step process to configure and explore the ANDS Vocabulary Widget. Users can try the widget with any widgetable vocabulary published in Research Vocabularies Australia.
New Widget Explorer page in Research Vocabularies Australia
ANDS Widgets V2
Minor updates have been made to all of ANDS Widgets to enabling request logging. Logging of requests will allow ANDS to better understand service usages and monitor the system for quality purposes.
Version 2 of the widgets will enable users to pass an optional API key in each request. Where an API key is not passed as a parameter in the request the system will log the request against a public API key.
While optional, ANDS recommends users register for a free API key to be used with ANDS widgets and services. Registering will allow us to keep users informed of changes and planned outages to our services. Users can request an API key here. To learn how to implement it, please visit the relevant widget page on Developers.ANDS.
Version 1 of the widgets are still accessible and will be supported for a period of 6 months. If you have any questions or concerns please contact