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ANDS 2017-2018 Development Roadmap

Q4 2017

Data Services Discovery - Demonstrator

(completed 6 Dec 2017)

  • Identify data access service references within RDA records and create descriptions of the services for publication into RDA.
  • Investigate and trial several possible CSW interface (machine-to-machine) solutions for RDA.
  • Explore methods to harvest descriptive metadata from THREDDS catalogues for data and services.

ORCID-RDA Integration upgrade 

(completed 6 Dec 2017)

Upgrade ORCID Works Export functionality to use the new ORCID API to v2.0 to ensure the continuity of the integration service.  The older version of ORCID API (v1.2) will be decommissioned by the end of 2017.

DOI Service maintenance

(completed 6 Dec 2017)

Update DOI manual entry screen to support the latest DataCite Schema, v4.1.

Search engine optimisation

(completed 6 Dec 2017)

Review and update mapping for Collections and Services and update the metadata into JSON-LD to improve RDA records’ visibility and/or Google index ranking.

Q1 2018

Data Services Discovery Service - CSW Interface

From the analysis and testing conducted, choose the best CSW Interface option/solution and launch as a test/prototype service.

Research Data Australia

  • Graph or link visualiser will be implemented for an improved visual representation of the connections between datasets, researchers and research grants within RDA. Related publications in some supported repositories or databases will also be represented in RDA.  This functionality will allow for better discovery and increased reuse of datasets and their related outputs. (completed 4 July 2018)
  • Update RDA OAI-PMH provider to allow export of RDA datasets in Scholix v3.0 format. (completed 3 May 2018)

DOI Service maintenance

(completed 4 July 2018)

  • Update the ANDS DOI Service to utilise the new DataCite Fabrica API for managing clients or data centres. The new DOI Fabrica API will also be used by the ANDS DOI Service for minting and updating client DOIs and their associated metadata.
  • Implement a procedure to allow transfer of DOI ownership

Handle Service authentication enhancement

(completed 3 May 2018)

  • New authentication functionality that gives clients the option of authenticating via a secret token.This functionality will greatly benefit our partners whose handle clients are in the cloud or in multiple geographic locations.
  • Enable the registration of multiple IP addresses or an IP range for a particular Handle client. 

Re-factor Research Vocabularies Australia

(completed 7 Mar 2018)

  •   The architecture of RVA will be restructured, with a full separation of the “back-end” registry functions from the “front-end” portal user interface. This work will include a redesign of the database, and a documented API which will be used by the portal and made publicly available for human and machine-to-machine users.

Q2 2018

Data Services Discovery - Production

(deferred to Q2 2019)

  • Implement a new RDA Data Services Registry sub-portal for services. The Services sub-portal will be similar to the RDA Grants and Projects portal and will enable  users to customise search through filters and facets.

(completed 4 December 2018)

  • Update the existing Registry and RDA service record view pages, to accommodate new requirements and  new RIF-CS vocabulary terms for service records.

Launch a functionality to publish services in RDA Registry

Develop a simple manual entry form for publishing service descriptions into the RDA Registry.

Research Data Australia enhancement


  • Enhance RDA to allow the display of linked literature on the collection record view page (scholix query and display any publications linked to RDA collections).

  • Review the architecture around the indexing of RDA relationships

Research Vocabularies Australia Notification

(completed 4 July 2018)

Implement a feature that allows vocabulary service users to register for alert notifications when new vocabularies are added or when there are updates to existing vocabularies.

Q3-Q4 2018

Research Data Australia new functionality

(deferred to Q2 2019)

  • RDA Advanced Search: Create a structured tree for searching the GCMD vocabulary similar to how RDA does it for ANZSRC-FOR vocabulary and enable the auto-complete functionality when searching for subjects.

Research Vocabularies Australia new functionality

  • A more user-friendly way of presenting a vocabulary’s SPARQL endpoint will be provided on vocabulary view pages. The existing view page offers the SPARQL endpoint only as a “raw” link; clicking the link gives an error message, which is correct, but not helpful for most users. The new offering will allow more users to “get started” using SPARQL endpoints. (e.g. Yasgui)
  • An improved concept “browse tree” will be implemented for vocabulary view pages. The existing browse tree works well for most SKOS vocabularies hosted on RVA, but for a number of vocabularies, the browse tree is not currently shown, or, the browse tree that is shown is incomplete or misleading.


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