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What is Research Vocabularies Australia?

A service built on sharing

Research Vocabularies Australia helps you find, access, and reuse vocabularies for research. Some vocabularies are hosted by ARDC and can be accessed directly through Research Vocabularies Australia. Otherwise Research Vocabularies Australia provides a link to the vocabulary owner’s web page.

Research Vocabularies Australia makes it easy to find and use controlled vocabularies used in research.  It also makes it possible for Australian research organisations to publish, re-purpose, create, and manage their own controlled vocabularies. Vocabularies change over time, so the service enables management of new versions while retaining superseded versions.

Over time the portal aims to describe any controlled vocabularies commonly used by or relevant to Australian researchers. ARDC can work with research organisations to enable software interaction with ARDC-hosted vocabularies, and to develop the service in response to the needs of our partners.

Vocabularies for the research community

Research Vocabularies Australia caters for researchers and those who support, describe and discover research, including vocabulary managers, ontologists, data managers and librarians.

Through engagement with the research community, Research Vocabularies Australia will grow to cover a broad spectrum of research fields - across health and medicine, sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. Many of the vocabularies you can discover here are immediately accessible, either directly through the Research Vocabularies Australia portal or via partners and publishers, and are free to use (subject to licence conditions).

The Research Vocabularies Australia portal is one of a suite of vocabulary services offered by ARDC.

Research Vocabularies Australia comprises tools and support for creating, managing, publishing and finding vocabularies.  

To find vocabularies, browse the Research Vocabularies Australia portal.

  • To create, manage and publish vocabularies, talk with your ARDC Outreach Officer or contact

Why vocabularies?

A controlled vocabulary reflects agreement on terminology used to label concepts. When research communities agree to use common language for the concepts in datasets, then the discovery, linking, understanding and reuse of research data are improved.

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