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Subscribing to vocabularies

The subscription functionality within Research Vocabularies Australia allows users to stay informed of newly published vocabularies and updates to existing vocabularies.

Users have the choice of subscribing to mailing lists for:

  • Changes to specific vocabularies,

  • All new/changed vocabularies from particular owners, or

  • All new/changed vocabularies in Research Vocabularies Australia.

Once subscribed, users will begin receiving a weekly digest email which details the changes that have occurred during the last week. Emails are sent out on Wednesday mornings.

Note that users will only receive an email if changes have occurred within the last week that match their subscription preferences.

How to Subscribe

  1. Navigate to the view page for a vocabulary within Research Vocabularies Australia.

  2. Click the ‘subscribe’ label located top right of the title bar. This will open the Subscriptions modal dialog.

  3. From within the Subscriptions modal dialog select the preferred subscription option.

  4. Enter your email address.

  5. Click the ‘Subscribe’ button (complete the CAPTCHA if required).

  6. A subscription confirmation message will be displayed.

Managing Subscriptions

Users can manage their subscriptions via the Manage Subscriptions page in Research Vocabularies Australia. Access to the page is provided through a button/link embedded in weekly digest emails.

  1. From within a weekly digest email click the ‘Manage your subscription preferences’ button/link at the bottom of the email. This will navigate you to the Manage Subscriptions page in Research Vocabularies Australia.

  2. Select the mailing lists you would like to unsubscribe from.

  3. Click the ‘Unsubscribe’ button.

  4. An unsubscribe confirmation message will be displayed.

Research Vocabularies Australia Service Updates

When subscribing to vocabularies, users also have the option of subscribing to the Research Vocabularies Australia service updates mailing list. Emails are sent to subscribers of this list as part of Research Vocabularies Australia software release communications. The emails are sent whenever software updates are released and contain details of the changes made to Research Vocabularies Australia.

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