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Research Vocabularies Australia participant agreement

Statement of Expectations concerning submission of vocabularies and associated metadata to the ARDC vocabulary service (Research Vocabularies Australia - RVA)

In your organisation's use of RVA as a vocabulary publishing and discovery service, ARDC expects that you will:

  • provide metadata describing the vocabulary

  • ensure the quality, accuracy, and currency of the vocabulary and its metadata

  • be authorised to provide the vocabulary and its metadata and undertake that your submission does not infringe the intellectual property of others

  • provide vocabularies and metadata which may be of interest to research

  • accept that ARDC allows third parties to re-use and download the vocabulary and its metadata from RVA and to use and publish it in their services

 You may expect that ARDC will:

  • endeavour to provide discovery and access services to publicise and promote use of your vocabulary (and refer users to your service)

  • publish the vocabulary metadata in the RVA portal and make publicly available the vocabulary files through services and interfaces

  • enable third parties to download and/or re-use the vocabulary and its metadata from RVA and to use and publish it in their services


Full Name (please print)

Title / Designation:

Organisation Name:


Printable version:

RVA participant agreement v2.1.pdf

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