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Populating PoolParty project metadata fields

Some of the metadata that you capture about your vocabulary in PoolParty can be pulled from PoolParty into Research Vocabularies Australia . Here we provide guidance for capturing rich descriptions of your vocabulary for use in RVA. 

The PoolParty tool allows for the creation of multiple vocabulary ‘projects’ to be created. When ARDC creates your vocabulary management space in PoolParty, we will set up a project workspace in which you may create or manage your vocabulary as a ‘concept scheme.’

Getting started

Vocabulary language & PoolParty

As a default, ARDC will create your vocabulary management space in PoolParty with support for capturing information about your vocabulary in English. However, PoolParty can capture multilingual information about your vocabulary. If your vocabulary is multilingual, please provide ARDC with a list of languages used in the vocabulary prior to creation of your PoolParty project.

Project metadata

When ARDC creates your vocabulary management space in PoolParty, we use a standard naming convention for naming projects.

This title will follow the following format:

[ Organisation Code ][space][ Project title ]


  • Organisation code = your organisation’s acronym

  • project title = a title for your PoolParty project in which your vocabulary will live

Concept scheme metadata

A title is a human-readable identifying label for a vocabulary. ARDC recommends that our partners use their vocabulary’s official and full titles in the  Title  fields in PoolParty.

Good quality vocabulary descriptions will increase the chances of a vocabulary being discoverable through Research Vocabularies Australia and other search engines, as well as helping researchers decide if the vocabulary is likely to be useful for them.  The following principles are recommended:

  • Write the description for a reader who has general familiarity with a research area but is not a specialist—this will make vocabulary more accessible for cross-disciplinary use.

  • Don't use specialist acronyms or obscure jargon.

  • Don't assume a reader has specialist knowledge.

  • Include important keywords within the text—this makes them accessible for search engines. Inclusion of a paragraph beginning with Keywords: and followed by a list of keywords is acceptable. However, best practice would be to include the keywords as subjects.

An individual or organisation associated with the authorship of the vocabulary. ARDC recommends that our partners use the author’s official or full name or title in the  Author  field in PoolParty.

An organisation associated with the publication of the vocabulary. ARDC recommends that our partners use the publishers’ official or full title in the  Publisher  field in PoolParty.

An individual who contributed to the development of the vocabulary. ARDC recommends that our partners use the contributor's official or full name in the  Contributor field in PoolParty.

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