Importing a vocabulary to PoolParty [RVA Spreadsheet format]
ARDC and our partners use the PoolParty Thesaurus Server for the purposes of vocabulary creation and management. Information captured in PoolParty will feed into the RVA Registry and Repository, and will be visible in the Portal. In order to upload your vocabulary file into PoolParty, please follow the following steps:
Sign in to PoolParty at with your ARDC-provided credentials.
Locate the PoolParty Project in which your vocabulary will be uploaded

Select Project > Import > Excel Project Import.

Select the file to be uploaded. Select the checkbox next to "Import Assistant"

PoolParty Import Assistant will assess your file for import.
For information on using the PoolParty Import Assistant, open the PoolParty manual and search for PoolParty Import Assistant

Once imported, your vocabulary will appear as a Concept Scheme in your PoolParty project