Kibana dashboards - "grant" Data Dictionary
This page contains all current elements of the “grant” index pattern used in the following RLA dashboards.
Note that although the grant index pattern has 241 data fields, only those listed below are accessible in Discover and in Dashboards. Other fields could possibly be used in filters in the future, but not in the current setup.
A subset of this information has been compiled for dashboard users - see RLA Users - Dashboard Data Dictionary
Where a field has been described as a Runtime Script, please view this page for the code - Code for Runtime Scripts
Field name | Brief description | Calculated? | In use in dashboards currently | Example of content |
_class | No | ardc.cerium.rla.elastic.GrantDocument | ||
_id | Distinct identifier for a grant | Yes | 7675980 | |
_index | Name of the index pattern, used in dahsboards to select if ultiple pattterns exist | Yes | grant | |
_score | No | 1 | ||
_type | No | _doc | ||
adminOrganisation | The admin organisation for a grant. One per grant. Aliases used in the dashboard “Administering Org” and “Administering organisation” | Yes - extracted from Organisations | Yes | The University of Melbourne |
adminOrganisationName | Alias “Administering Organisation” | Yes | The University of Melbourne | |
adminOrganisationName.keyword | No | The University of Melbourne | ||
AllPartners | Text output of all organisations attached to a grant. Used in the maps | Yes Runtime Script | Yes | The University Of Melbourne. |
AusUni | Names of Australian Universities | Yes Runtime Script | Yes | The University of Melbourne |
CollaborationType | Whether a grant has any Non-University partners, only has other universities as partners, or has no other partners | Yes Runtime Script | Yes | University Partners Only |
countries | No | Australia | ||
countryCodes | No | AU | ||
current | No | FALSE | ||
End | End of a grant - Year | Yes Runtime Script | Yes | 2021 |
endDate | End of a grant in full date and time format | Used in a script | Oct 16, 2021 @ 11:00:00.000 | |
funder | No | Australian Research Council | ||
fundingAmount | Amount of funding attached to a grant | Yes | $348,273 | |
fundingScheme | Funding scheme listed on the grant | Yes | Discovery Early Career Researcher Award | |
grantId | Used to link to ARC grants page | Yes | DE180100901 | |
grantSummary | Summary attached to grants | Used in a script | Agricultural skill development in India: Assessing acquisition and impact. This project aims to investigate…[truncated] | |
grantTitle | Taken to be the first sentence in a grant summary becoming the title for the grant | Yes | Agricultural skill development in India: Assessing acquisition and impact. | |
id | Used with _id to identify grants. | Yes | 7,675,980 | |
IndRelated | kibanaData.isIndigenous with additional FOR and SEO codes to select Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander grants | Yes Runtime Script | Yes - in a filter | Other |
key | No | arc/DE180100901 | ||
kibanaData.hasAbrPartnerships | No | FALSE | ||
kibanaData.hasUniversityPartnerships | No | TRUE | ||
kibanaData.isHealth | No | FALSE | ||
kibanaData.isIndigenous | Extracted data for Indigenous grants - FOR code list was not exhaustive. So this was used in another scripted filed “IndRelated” | Used in script | FALSE | |
kibanaData.nonPublicOrganisations | Extracted data listing Non University partners | Used in a script | BHP | |
kibanaData.organisationKeys | Extracted data to allow selection of organisations as keywords | Used in a script | arc/the_university_of_melbourne | |
kibanaData.organisationNames | Extracted data listing each organisation name | Used in a script | The University Of Melbourne | |
kibanaData.organisationNamesText | No | The University Of Melbourne | ||
kibanaData.organisationTypes.abrType | No | Other Incorporated Entity | ||
kibanaData.organisationTypes.count | No | 1 | ||
kibanaData.organisationTypesText | No | Other Incorporated Entity | ||
lastUpdated | No | Jan 1, 2023 @ 11:00:00.000 | ||
locations | Used in maps to locate organisations on a grant | Yes | { | |
organisations | No | {"address":["Parkville VIC 3052, Australia"],"endDate":["2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"],"countries":["Australia"],"type":["organisation","orcid"],"abrType":["Other Organisations"],"states":["Victoria"],"lastUpdated":["2019-11-02T00:00:00.000Z"],"current":[false],"countryCodes":["AU"],"abrTypeRaw":["Other Organisations"],"abrTypeRaw.keyword":["Other Organisations"],"stateCodes":["VIC"],"name":["University of Melbourne"],"location":[{"coordinates":[144.961,-37.7983],"type":"Point"}],"locations":[{"coordinates":[144.961,-37.7983],"type":"Point"}],"id":[13761],"startDate":["2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"],"key":["orcid/organisation-au-university-of-melbourne"],"parentRelationshipType":["relatedTo"]}, {"countries":["Australia"],"abn":["84002705224"],"type":["organisation","abr"],"abrType":["Other Incorporated Entity"],"states":["Victoria"],"lastUpdated":["2022-11- [truncated] | ||
participantList | No | Trent Brown | ||
PartnerList | Text output of Non University partners on a grant | Yes Runtime Script | Yes | Commonwealth Bank Of Australia. Defence Science And Technology Group. Ibm Corporation. Imec. Lockheed Martin Australia Pty Limited. Massachusetts Institute Of Technology. Max Planck Institute For The Science Of Light |
PrimaryFOR | Selection of the Primary FOR for a grant. No longer represented in dashboards | Yes Runtime Script | No | 1604 |
PrimaryFORName | Selection of the name of the Primary FOR for a grant. | Yes Runtime Script | Yes | Human Geography |
primarySubject | No | Human Geography | ||
researchers | No | {"lastName":["Brown"],"publicationTitles":["Farmers Subalterns and Activists","Skills training and development an introduction to the social life of skills in the global South","Hungry Nation","Skill Indias unmet promises raising expectations for financial assistance in training for informal sector livelihoods","Pathways to Agricultural Skill Development in the Indian Himalayas","Chipko Legacies Sustaining an Ecological Ethic in the Context of Agrarian Change","iHth se skhnai geographies of practical learning and Indias agricultural skills agenda","Urbanization Rural Mobility and New Class Relations in Darjeeling India","Youth Mobilities and RuralUrban Tensions in Darjeeling India","India Today Economy Politics and Society","When food regimes become hegemonic Agrarian India through a Gramscian lens","Globalised dreams local constraints migration and youth aspirations in an Indian regional town","Organic","Sustainability as Empty Signifier Its Rise Fall and Radical Potential","I am the people reflections on popular sovereignty today","The new Pakistani middle class by Ammara Maqsood","Negotiating the NGOSocial Movement Dichotomy Evidence from Punjab India","Beyond the Participatory Development Pathways Forward to Sustainable Rural Development","Transgressive Capabilities Skill Development and Social Disruption in Rural India"],"fullName":["Trent Brown"],"orcid":["0000-0001-9895-3130"],"countries":["Australia","Japan"],"type":["orcid","researcher"],"publicationTitles.keyword":["Farmers Subalterns and Activists","Skills training and development an introduction to the social life of skills in the global South","Hungry Nation","Skill Indias unmet promises raising expectations for financial assistance in training for informal sector livelihoods","Pathways to Agricultural Skill Development in the Indian Himalayas","Chipko Legacies Sustaining an Ecological Ethic in the Context of Agrarian Change","iHth se skhnai geographies of practical learning and Indias [truncated] | ||
Start | Start of a grant - Year | Yes Runtime Script | Yes | 2018 |
startDate | Start of a grant in full date and time format | Used in a script | May 31, 2018 @ 10:00:00.000 | |
stateCodes | No | VIC | ||
states | No | Victoria | ||
status | Whether a grant is Active or Closed | Yes | Closed | |
summary.forSubjectCodes | List of FOR codes for a grant | Used in a filter and in scripts | 160101, 1604, 160403 | |
summary.grantCount | No | 0 | ||
summary.highestFunding | No | 0 | ||
summary.lowestFunding | No | 0 | ||
summary.organisationCount | Extracted? data (Not from ARC) | Used in a script | 3 | |
summary.primaryVocabs.count | No | 1 | ||
summary.primaryVocabs.label | No | Human Geography | ||
summary.primaryVocabs.label.keyword | No | Human Geography | ||
summary.primaryVocabs.notation | No | 1604 | ||
summary.primaryVocabs.notation.keyword | No | 1604 | ||
summary.primaryVocabs.type | No | FOR | ||
summary.primaryVocabs.type.keyword | No | FOR | ||
summary.primaryVocabs.version | No | 2008 | ||
summary.primaryVocabs.version.keyword | No | 2008 | ||
summary.publicationCount | No | 0 | ||
summary.researcherCount | No | 1 | ||
summary.seoSubjectCodes | List of SEO subject codes for a grant | Used in a filter | 930501, 939908, 970116 | |
summary.subjects | No | Anthropology of Development, Education and Training Systems Policies and Development, Expanding Knowledge Through Studies of Human Society, Human Geography, Social and Cultural Geography, Workforce Transition and Employment | ||
summary.totalFunding | No | 0 | ||
summary.vocabs.count | No | 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 | ||
summary.vocabs.label | No | Expanding Knowledge through Studies of Human Society, Education and Training Systems Policies and Development, Social and Cultural Geography, Workforce Transition and Employment, Anthropology of Development, Human Geography | ||
summary.vocabs.label.keyword | No | Expanding Knowledge through Studies of Human Society, Education and Training Systems Policies and Development, Social and Cultural Geography, Workforce Transition and Employment, Anthropology of Development, Human Geography | ||
summary.vocabs.notation | No | 970116, 930501, 160403, 939908, 160101, 1604 | ||
summary.vocabs.notation.keyword | No | 970116, 930501, 160403, 939908, 160101, 1604 | ||
summary.vocabs.type | No | SEO, SEO, FOR, SEO, FOR, FOR | ||
summary.vocabs.type.keyword | No | SEO, SEO, FOR, SEO, FOR, FOR | ||
summary.vocabs.version | No | 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008 | ||
summary.vocabs.version.keyword | No | 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008 | ||
title | No | Discovery Early Career Researcher Award - Grant ID: DE180100901 | ||
type | No | grant, arc | ||
url | Link to the ARC grants portal | Yes using the Grant ID | Yes |