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Research Data Australia Changelog

This is the changelog for the Research Data Australia (RDA) Portal and Registry software, Harvester, Mycelium, Health Data Australia, and other service components.

This is the changelog for the Research Data Australia (RDA) Portal and Registry software, Harvester, Mycelium, and other service components.

version 3.1.13

Version release date:

  • Demo: 16 Jul 2024
  • Prod: 23 July  2024


  • Updated contact detail fields on Data Source Account Settings
  • Updated datasource account contact details (Prod only)

Fixed Defect:

  • RDA view page: '\n' text was replaced with '<br/>'

version 3.1.12

Version release date:

  • Demo: 23 April 2024
  • Prod: 30 April  2024

Fixed Defect:

  • Increased facet limit to 1000.
  • Additional ANZCTR elements on health.dataset content provider.
  • Added datasource id parameter and functionality to registryObjectSync command

version 3.1.11

Version release date:

  • Demo: 2 April 2024
  • Prod: 9 April  2024

Fixed Defect:

  • Updated publisher element of health.datasets to use the citation publisher value.

version 3.1.10

Version release date:

  • Demo: 5 March 2024
  • Prod: 19 March  2024


  • Updated Research Data Australia Jira issue collector to cloud.

version 3.1.9

Version release date:

  • Demo: 20 February 2024
  • Prod: 27 February  2024


  • Updated Health Data content provider to accept clinical trial numbers enabling HDA access to clinical trial datasets

version 3.1.8

Version release date:

  • Demo: 19 December 2023
  • Prod: 2 January  2024


  • Updated URL of EXPLORE→PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS top menu option.

version 3.1.7

Version release date:

  • Demo: 7 November 2023
  • Prod: 14 November 2023

Fixed Defect:

  • Fixed theme page view not displaying facets.
  • Fixed wrapping of long URL on citation popup 

version 3.1.6

Version release date:

  • Demo: 1 August 2023
  • Prod: 8 August 2023

Fixed Defect:

  • (My RDA & RDA Registry Authentication) The Portal and the registry support logging in using a Facebook login. Recent changes to Twitter policy caused this feature to stop working. We are temporarily disabling login/authentication using Facebook while ARDC is reviewing its privacy policy.
  • Reinstated the lost filter on the delete records component of Manage My Records


  • (My RDA & RDA Registry Authentication) Change login text from 'Login with Twitter' to 'Login with X (formerly Twitter)'
  • (My RDA & RDA Registry Authentication) Updated the Twitter login credentials and updated the code to use twitter api v2
  • Addition of Slack notifications for harvest/import

version 3.1.5

Version release date:

  • Demo: 11 July 2023
  • Prod: 18 July 2023


  • (Registry Import) Improved the performance of the task indexPortal to facilitate the completion of large harvest imports, frozen import tasks can now be resumed from their previous stopping point.

version 3.1.4

Version release date:

  • Demo 20 June 2023
  • Prod 27 June 2023


  • (Registry Import) Improve processAffectedRelatioships performance to enable large harvest imports to complete.

version 3.1.3

Version release date:

  • Demo 6 June 2023
  • Prod 13 June 2023


  • (Registry import) Increase buffer size of registry Object import by 50%
  • (RDA Portal)  Provide a health data specific preview in preparation for the release of the health data portal

version 3.1.2

Version release date:

  • Demo 23 May 2023
  • Prod 30 May 2023


  • Better handling of Mycelium importing and indexing errors

 version 3.1.1

Version release date:

  • Demo 23 May 2023
  • Prod 30 May 2023

Fixed Defects:

  • (Registry import) ISO19115 Content provider fix to check for the existence of identifier and identifier_type before attempting to find record by identifier.
  • (Record View Page) The "View detail" functionality of the License & Rights section of the view service record page now expands and contracts as expected and the rightsUri is added to it's contents.
  • (Record View Page) Reinstated the retrieval of non-mappable spatial coverage types for display on the view page.


  • (Task Manager) Provide a means of restarting importSubTasks from the last processed id for processGraphRelationships and indexGraphRelationships importSubTasks.
  • (Task Manager) Updated the task manager to restrict tasks to only PHPSHELL tasks to prevent unknown task types from locking the process
  • (Sitemap) Update the sitemap generation to allow multiple data_source_ids to be passed as a comma delimited string to the ds parameter and added a type parameter so a user can supply a type of "json" and the resulting links will be to theJSON-ld file rather than the view page.

version 3.1.0

Version release date:

  • Demo 25 April 2023
  • Prod 25 April 2023


  • Added ARDC researcher campaign targeted advertisements support.
    • The advertisements will, where we are able to detect, be targeted at the Health, Planet, and ARDC researcher communities. The thematic RDC detection is based on associated ANZSRC FOR codes for each thematic RDC.
    • The ARDC advertisements campaign can be turned on or off based on the ARDC_CAMPAIGN environment variable which is set in the .env file.
    • Though classed as a new feature for the RDA software this is a low-impact change.

version 3.0.1 

Version release date:

  • Demo 11 April 2023
  • Prod 18 April 2023


  • (General) Introduction of maintenance windows information banner.
  • (RDA Portal) Minor text changes to replace "ands" with "ardc" for cosmetic purposes.
  • (RDA Portal) Changes to identifier resolution to cater for ROR identifiers.
  • (Registry import) Changes to the import pipeline to cater for the ingestion of health.datasets from DataCite for the HeSANDA health portal project.
  • (Health Data Australia) Additional fields were added to the Solr portal index to cater to health data trial metadata.

version 3.0.0 

Initial version release date:

  • 4 April 2023


Initial release of the ARDC versioning standard. Refer to ARDC Services: Maintenance Windows and Product Versions.

Since its deployment in 2009, there had only been 2 major changes to Research Data Australia. It's current version is 3.0.0.

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