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RDA Registry Widget

RDA Registry Widget is a jQuery plugin that provides the ability to lookup, search and display records from the RDA Registry API

Some use cases for the Registry Object Search Widget include:

  • Showcase recent collections contributed to Research Data Australia by institution or researcher name
  • Implement a lookup function in data captures forms/processes to search for keys or global identifiers
  • Supplement your site’s search results with search results from Research Data Australia
  • Provide your users with a listing of data collections related to a specific subject


To install the widget use bower to install ands-registry-widget

bower install ands-registry-widget

Alternatively, download the directory from GitHub

Include jQuery dependency

<script src="node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>

Include the provided distribution file

<script src="dist/jquery.ands.registry-widget.min.js"></script>

Instantiate the plugin with

    // options

RDA Registry Widget comes with out-of-the-box support for Twitter Bootstrap styling and Mustache templating engine. Include them to get the same functionality as the available demo page

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css">
<script src="bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/mustache.js/mustache.min.js"></script>


Available parameters

  • apiKey : The API Key that this widget will use to access the RDA Registry API
  • mode : lookup-activity|search-activity|display-activity Available modes are currently restricted to these
  • searchOptions: Search Options, for configuring how the Search functionality display and functions
    • autoSearchtrue|false
    • autoLookuptrue|false
    • returnTypepurl|title|id
    • facetsinstitutions|funders|type|fundingScheme|status
    • facetSortindex|count : Determine the sorting order of the facets
    • openInbootstrap-modal : Enable custom search displayer. Default to nothing. (appear underneath)
    • params: Search parameters, overwrite the default ones. For a list of available parameters. Have a look at the Activites API
      • funder: Default funder
      • limit : Number of rows return
      • pp : Per Page
      • q: General Search
      • subject
      • fundingScheme
      • identifier
      • ...
    • searchQueryOptions : Search query options for free text search. For more information, refer to the searchQueryOptions section


Primarily in a list of specified fields to search for. By default, it's set to

    { value: "q", display: "All" },
    { value: "title", display: "Title" },
    { value: "description", display: "Description" },
    { value: "researcher", display: "Researcher" },
    { value: "principalInvestigator", display: "Principal Investigator" },
    { value: "id", display: "Identifier" },
    { value: "subject", display: "Subject" }

Search Parameters can also be embed into the target via HTML data attribute. For example

<div id="display-activity" data-purl=""></div>
    api_key: "public",
    mode: "display-activity"


Install the dependencies

npm install
bower install

Running tests

grunt karma
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.