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OAI-PMH Provider

OAI-PMH is a standard protocol for metadata harvesting published by the Open Archives Initiative. It is commonly used as a protocol to harvest metadata from Data Providers (such as the RDA Registry) to Service Providers (such as your application).

OAI-PMH is a good choice when your software system already implements a “harvester” (a software application that can extract and collate metadata records from the OAI provider).

One significant advantage of using OAI-PMH is the ability to harvest “incrementally”, based on timestamp. This allows you to only retrieve records that have changed since the last time your harvest successfully executed. 



This API is an implementation of the OAI-PMH protocol. Please consult the specification for implementation details.

Example Usage

Retrieving Information about this OAI-PMH provider


curl -XGET\?verb\=Identify

Example Response

<OAI-PMH xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <request verb="Identify"></request>
    <repositoryName>Australian National Data Services (ANDS)</repositoryName>
Retrieving which sets are available for selective harvesting


curl -XGET\?verb\=ListSets


<OAI-PMH xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <request verb="ListSets"></request>
      <setName>ALA GeoNetwork</setName>
      <setName>ANDS Discovered Services</setName>
    <resumptionToken completeListSize="111" cursor="0">eyJvZmZzZXQiOjEwMH0=</resumptionToken>

Retrieving RIFCS records


curl -XGET\?verb\=ListRecords\&metadataPrefix\=rif

Sample Response

<OAI-PMH xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:default="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <request verb="ListRecords" metadataPrefix="rif"></request>
        <registryObjects xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
          <registryObject group="Australian Institute of Marine Science">
            <service type="report">
              <identifier type="global">b0cba902-4e15-4d23-a568-e7cd4b201aac</identifier>
              <identifier type="uri"></identifier>
              <name type="primary">
                <namePart>eAtlas Web Mapping Service (WMS) - Legacy MTSRF Server (AIMS)</namePart>
                <relation type="isPartOf"/>
                  <electronic type="url" target="landingPage">
                <relation type="pointOfContact"/>
                <relation type="hasAssociationWith"/>
              <subject type="local">biota</subject>
              <subject type="local">boundaries</subject>
              <subject type="local">elevation</subject>
              <subject type="local">planningCadastre</subject>
              <subject type="local">imageryBaseMapsEarthCover</subject>
              <subject type="local">biota</subject>
              <subject type="local">boundaries</subject>
              <subject type="local">elevation</subject>
              <subject type="local">planningCadastre</subject>
              <subject type="local">imageryBaseMapsEarthCover</subject>
              <description type="brief">The eAtlas delivers its mapping products via two Web Mapping Services, a legacy server (from 2008-2011) and a newer primary server (2011+) to which all new content it added. This record describes the legacy WMS.

This service delivers map layers associated with the eAtlas project (, which contains map layers of environmental research focusing on the Great Barrier Reef. The majority of the layers corresponding to Glenn De'ath's interpolated maps of the GBR developed under the MTSRF program (2008-2010).

This web map service is predominantly maintained for the legacy eAtlas map viewer ( All the these legacy map layers are available through the new eAtlas mapping portal (, however the legends have not been ported across.

This WMS is implemented using GeoServer version 1.7 software hosted on a server at the Australian Institute of Marine Science. 

For ArcMap use the following steps to add this service:
1. "Add Data" then choose GIS Servers from the "Look in" drop down. 
2. Click "Add WMS Server" then set the URL to ""

Note: this service has around 460 layers of which approximately half the layers correspond to Standard Error maps, which are WRONG (please ignore all *Std_Error layers.

This services is operated by the Australian Institute of Marine Science and co-funded by the MTSRF program.</description>
                <spatial type="iso19139dcmiBox">northlimit=90; southlimit=-90; westlimit=-180; eastLimit=180; projection=EPSG</spatial>
                <spatial type="text">northlimit=90; southlimit=-90; westlimit=-180; eastLimit=180; projection=EPSG</spatial>
              <relatedInfo type="website">
                <identifier type="uri"></identifier>
                <relation type="hasAssociationWith"/>
                <title>Welcome page for the legacy eAtlas GeoServer WMS. From here you can find all service capabilities and layer previews</title>
              <relatedInfo type="website">
                <identifier type="uri"></identifier>
                <relation type="hasAssociationWith"/>
                <title>legacy eAtlas mapping portal, which allows viewing of all the layers from this service.</title>
                <licence type="CC-BY" rightsUri="">Creative Commons Attribution</licence>
        <registryObjects xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
          <registryObject group="Australian Institute of Marine Science">
            <service type="report">
              <identifier type="global">71127e4d-9f14-4c57-9845-1dce0b541d8d</identifier>
              <identifier type="uri"></identifier>
                  <electronic type="url" target="directDownload">
                    <title>GetCapabilities document for the WMS version 1.1.1</title>
              <name type="primary">
                <namePart>eAtlas Web Mapping Service (WMS) (AIMS)</namePart>
                <relation type="isPartOf"/>
                  <electronic type="url" target="landingPage">
                <accessRights type="open"/>
                <relation type="pointOfContact"/>
                <relation type="hasAssociationWith"/>
              <subject type="local">biota</subject>
              <subject type="local">boundaries</subject>
              <subject type="local">elevation</subject>
              <subject type="local">planningCadastre</subject>
              <subject type="local">imageryBaseMapsEarthCover</subject>
              <subject type="local">biota</subject>
              <subject type="local">boundaries</subject>
              <subject type="local">elevation</subject>
              <subject type="local">planningCadastre</subject>
              <subject type="local">imageryBaseMapsEarthCover</subject>
              <description type="brief">The eAtlas delivers its mapping products via two Web Mapping Services, a legacy server (from 2008-2011) and a newer primary server (2011+) to which all new content it added. This record describes the primary WMS.

This service delivers map layers associated with the eAtlas project (, which contains map layers of environmental research focusing on the Great Barrier Reef and its neighbouring coast, the Wet Tropics rainforests and Torres Strait. It also includes lots of reference datasets that provide context for the research data. These reference datasets are sourced mostly from state and federal agencies. In addition to this a number of reference basemaps and associated layers are developed as part of the eAtlas and these are made available through this service.

This services also delivers map layers associated with the Torres Strait eAtlas.

This web map service is predominantly set up and maintained for delivery of visualisations through the eAtlas mapping portal ( and the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) portal ( Other portals are free to use this service with attribution, provided you inform us with an email so we can let you know of any changes to the service.

This WMS is implemented using GeoServer version 2.3 software hosted on a server at the Australian Institute of Marine Science. Associated with each WMS layer is a corresponding cached tiled service which is much faster then the WMS. Please use the cached version when possible.

The layers that are available can be discovered by inspecting the GetCapabilities document generated by the GeoServer. This XML document lists all the layers, their descriptions and available rendering styles. Most WMS clients should be able to read this document allowing easy access to all the layers from this service.

For ArcMap use the following steps to add this service:
1. "Add Data" then choose GIS Servers from the "Look in" drop down. 
2. Click "Add WMS Server" then set the URL to ""

Note: this service has over 1000 layers and so retrieving the capabilities documents can take a while.

This services is operated by the Australian Institute of Marine Science and co-funded by the National Environmental Research Program Tropical Ecosystems hub.</description>
                <spatial type="iso19139dcmiBox">northlimit=90; southlimit=-90; westlimit=-180; eastLimit=180; projection=EPSG</spatial>
                <spatial type="text">northlimit=90; southlimit=-90; westlimit=-180; eastLimit=180; projection=EPSG</spatial>
              <relatedInfo type="website">
                <identifier type="uri"></identifier>
                <relation type="hasAssociationWith"/>
                <title>Welcome page for the eAtlas GeoServer WMS. From here you can find all service capabilities and layer previews</title>
              <relatedInfo type="service">
                <identifier type="uri"></identifier>
                <relation type="supports">
                  <description>Access via service</description>
                <title>GetCapabilities document for the WMS version 1.1.1</title>
              <relatedInfo type="website">
                <identifier type="uri"></identifier>
                <relation type="hasAssociationWith"/>
                <title>eAtlas mapping portal, which allows viewing of all the layers from this service (and some others)</title>
                <licence type="CC-BY" rightsUri="">Creative Commons Attribution</licence>
    <resumptionToken completeListSize="79695" cursor="100">eyJsaW1pdCI6MTAwLCJzZXQiOm51bGwsIm9mZnNldCI6MTAwLCJmcm9tIjpudWxsLCJ0byI6bnVsbCwidmVyYiI6Ikxpc3RSZWNvcmRzIiwibWV0YWRhdGFQcmVmaXgiOiJyaWYifQ==</resumptionToken>
Retrieving RIFCS records for a given set


curl -XGET\?verb\=ListRecords\&metadataPrefix\=rif\&set\=group:26

Sample Response

<OAI-PMH xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:default="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <request verb="ListRecords" metadataPrefix="rif" set="group:26"></request>
        <registryObjects xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
          <registryObject group="ALA">
            <originatingSource>Atlas of Living Australia</originatingSource>
            <collection type="dataset" dateAccessioned="2017-01-12T01:19:14">
              <identifier type="global">ccfaf426a6dd0fc438e967779ac37cab7b4ed61c</identifier>
              <name type="primary">
                  <electronic type="url">
                <relation type="pointOfContact"/>
                <relation type="hasAssociationWith"/>
                <spatial type="iso19139dcmiBox">northlimit=-17.349999999999994; southlimit=-38.55; westlimit=113.9833; eastLimit=152.9333; projection=EPSG:4326</spatial>
                <spatial type="text">northlimit=-17.349999999999994; southlimit=-38.55; westlimit=113.9833; eastLimit=152.9333; projection=EPSG:4326</spatial>
              <relatedInfo type="service">
                <identifier type="uri">http://localhost:8084/geoserver/wms?SERVICE=WMS&amp;</identifier>
                <relation type="isAvailableThrough"/>
                <title>A very simple color map (LegendURL)</title>
                <rightsStatement rightsUri=""/>
              <dates type="modified">
                <date type="dateFrom" dateFormat="W3CDTF">20170112T01:19:14</date>
        <registryObjects xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
          <registryObject group="ALA">
            <originatingSource>Atlas of Living Australia</originatingSource>
            <party type="person">
              <name type="primary">
                <namePart>Dave Martin</namePart>
                <relation type="isMemberOf"/>
                  <electronic type="url">
                  <physical type="streetAddress">
                    <addressPart type="telephoneNumber">+61 2 6246 4439</addressPart>

    <resumptionToken completeListSize="3879" cursor="100">eyJsaW1pdCI6MTAwLCJzZXQiOiJncm91cDoyNiIsIm9mZnNldCI6MTAwLCJmcm9tIjpudWxsLCJ0byI6bnVsbCwidmVyYiI6Ikxpc3RSZWNvcmRzIiwibWV0YWRhdGFQcmVmaXgiOiJyaWYifQ==</resumptionToken>

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