How do I get set up to use HDA Data Request
What is a Point Of Contact (POC)?
On the HDA Data Request platform, a ‘POC’ is the person that has been designated by the data owner to receive and respond to data requests submitted to the platform. The POC may be the data owner, the data custodian, or someone they nominate.
A POC is responsible for:
Receiving data requests from the HDA Data RequestARDC Data Request platform
Actioning the data request in accordance with the governance arrangements determined by the data owner
Actively reviewing and tracking the progress of data requests within the HDA Data RequestARDC Data Request platform
Responding to data requests in a timely manner
Liaising with the data about the progress of their request
Please note: The POC is an administrative role within the platform and is not intended or designed to replace the governance arrangements or roles determined by the data owner. A data owner may choose to act as a POC, or they may delegate someone to act on their behalf. The details of these arrangements are at the discretion of the data owner.
Important note for existing users: If you are an existing user and would like to add or change the details of a POC, please raise a request through the ARDC Self-service portal.
The form ‘Request or update HDA DARMS account’ is available here.
Work Instructions for HDA DARMS Registration Request Workflow