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IGSN Service Overview

The ARDC IGSN minting service enables users to mint and assign IGSN identifiers to physical samples associated with research. This service is offered through the ARDC DataCite Consortium as IGSNs are allocated through DataCite.

What is IGSN?

An IGSN (International Generic Sample Number)  is a resolvable persistent unique identifier for physical samples and specimens. The IGSN system is an international initiative underpinned by the DataCite DOI System. IGSN registration facilitates the discovery, access, and sharing of samples, supports preservation and access of sample data, aids identification of samples in the literature, and advances the exchange of digital sample data among interoperable data systems, thereby maximizing the utility of samples for research, education, and society.  For a more detailed overview of IGSN please refer to the IGSN website.

Service Scope

The ARDC IGSN service:

  • may be utilised by sample curators affiliated with Australian research organisations. .  

  • is available at no cost to Australian researchers organisations.

  • uses the DataCite DOI system to provide both a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and an API for minting and managing IGSNs.

Important note: All users of the ARDC IGSN minting service should understand that ARDC does not manage the IGSNs nor the samples they identify; it only provides the infrastructure to allow minting, resolution and updating of IGSNs.

Resource types in scope

IGSNs  were originally developed for use by the earth science research community and is currently use predominantly for earth science samples such as rock, soil and sediment. IGSN e.V. is interested in working with other communities in order to extend the service for use with other physical sample types e.g. water, vegetation, archaeological and biological specimens. If you are interested in participating in this process please contact IGSN e.V.

The following criteria apply to the ARDC IGSN minting service:

  • The sample being identified should be associated with an Australian research activity

  • IGSN identifiers should resolve to a metadata record describing the sample

  • The sample being identified, and associated metadata, should be curated through the research lifecycle

  • The mandatory metadata elements required for IGSN registration must be provided. Users should note that providing additional descriptive metadata will increase the potential for discovery, reuse and citation of the registered sample.

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